Part 16

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*He rummaged in the kitchen, fixing up the potatoes just as he remembered she liked them.* "Hmm... Need butter.." *He hummed as he pulled out his phone. Back in the hospital-like room, Selena peered through the window. Her eyes narrowed in concentration when she saw who she was there for. Without getting a second glance, Selena scanned the area, deciding the best way in was through the window close by to the room. She grunted as her hands caught the ledge, prying herself up and through...* "'Bout time! She's in there waiting!" *She heard a disgusting, nasally voice chirp. She scoffed to herself, she hated the Penguin. Oswald snatched the butter out of some thug's hand, quickly measuring the right amount.* "If she doesn't like these, you're dead." *He glared at the man who had brought the butter who seemed very intimidated.* "Selena!" *Alex whisper-screamed for her sister as she heard someone approaching- Wait, she heard them approaching, it wasn't Selena yet.* "The world's greatest mashed potatoes for the world's greatest girl!" *Oswald's grin gleamed brightly as he proudly presented the bowl to her.*


"I'll show you my room afterwards." *Natalie smiled kindly, subconsciously treating this as if she were having a schoolmate come over to play. She helped set the table, but Bruce walked in dressed up. Natalie frowned at him.* "Sorry, Nat, I have an important hearing to attend to tonight." *He gave her a sympathetic smile as she removed the place she set for him.* "Okay, just... Be careful?" *Bruce nodded mindfully, hugging his sister goodbye. She let him leave, turning back to Jonathan.* "If you don't mind, I'm going to get out of these clothes." *She informed him as she handed him a beverage. She quickly made her way up the stairs, as quickly as she could, and into her room. It was dark with a huge bed with a canopy in the middle. She changed into a casual black dress covered with a cardigan. She fixed herself up in the bathroom. Alfred served the food on the plate in front of Jonathan.* "There you are, Dr. Crane." *He said humbly bowing as he continued,* "Oh, please, Jonathan is fine." *He corrected him.* "Oh, nonsense, I wouldn't wanna lose my job, now, would I?" *The butler's sense of humour was a bit strange to Jonathan, he noted how stark it was and could see how much Alfred had affected Natalie's personality. Soon, she herself made her way back downstairs to join them again.* "So, Jonathan, do you have any pets?" *She asked, thanking Alfred as he served her.*


*Alex watched Selena duck down from the window just in time as Oswald entered the room. *"The world's greatest mashed potatoes for the world's greatest girl."* He said, proudly presenting the bowl to her. She glanced away from the window and snatched the bowl from him. *"Thanks."* She said curtly. *"Was something out there?"* He asked, noticing her subtly looking back at the window. *"Just a bird."* Alex replied. *"Uhm, I don't like people watching me eat, do you mind giving me privacy?"* Alex asked. Oswald nodded. *"I'll be right down the hall if you need me, my love."* Once he was gone, Alex sat up and, even though it hurt, she swung her legs off the bed. She stood on her right leg and grabbed her IV stand, rolling it with her as she hobbled over to the window. She opened it and peered out. Selena was hanging from the windowsill, looking up at her. Alex wordlessly stepped back so Selena could climb in. *"What are you doing here?"* Alex asked, going back to her bed and sitting on the edge, trying her mashed potatoes. They were actually very delicious. *"You crashed outside of my apartment building, dumbass. I saw the whole thing, including Oswald kidnap you. I would've stopped him, but I couldn't get out there in time. I can't believe you actually let him take you."* *"Um, I'm sorry, do you see this?"* Alex gestured to her injuries. *"Anyway, do you mind letting Harleen know where I am so she can come get me? I'm getting sick of Oswald."* When Selena nodded, Alex continued. *"Okay, now you need to get out of here."* Selena went to the window. *"Just so you know, I'm going to sneak into Wayne Manor tonight to overhear what they're going to do about the situation."* Alex gasped. *"Wait, what? Selena, no-"* But it was too late. She was already gone.*


*Jonathan pushed the steak on his plate around as he answered Natalie's question. *"I do not. They would be detrimental to my workspace, you know, contaminating it with their fur and slobber."* He made a face, making Natalie giggle. *"Well, have you ever considered getting a snake? Or a turtle? Or even a fish?"* Jonathan shook his head. *"I have no time for pets, how about you?"* Natalie sighed. *"I wish I had a pet. But Alfred is pretty strict about that stuff. He says Bruce and I already make too much of a mess... even though I rarely see Bruce anymore."* Jonathan tilted his head. *"Does he take care of most of Wayne Industries?"* Natalie nodded. I do have partial ownership of the industry and the foundation, but I was never about all that business stuff."* Jonathan chuckled. *"I can tell. You're a lot like me. You prefer to define a person by their mind rather than what they have to offer."* *"That's a great way to put it, yes."* Natalie agreed. Natalie continued to ask Jonathan questions, genuinely wanting to know more about him. It was nice to discuss himself for a change, although he realized that other than his research, his life really wasn't that interesting.*

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