Part 37

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-Oz (Harleen)-

*Harley moved them to the couch. She could see Alex when she was in the kitchen and she could watch TV. Harley gave Alex the remote who hummed a 'thank you' in response. Harley opened the blinds to let sunlight in resulting in Alex covering her eyes quickly.* "Why would you open those? What if Oswald's out there?!" *Harley let out a laugh as she rolled her eyes,* "Oh, Puh-Lease! If that nut job wanted to do something, he would have. Plus, he already knows where you live, no point in hiding now." *She shrugged as Alex rolled her eyes this time.* "Jee, thanks, that makes me feel better about it." *Harley tossed a snack cake by Alex.* "Hey, how about when you finally feel better we have a date! I feel like I haven't eaten anywhere with you in forever." *Alex would normally love to go eat with her, but these past few days have caused so much distrust, that she didn't know if she wanted to leave her apartment ever again.* "Maybe... When I start to feel better.." *Alex answered slowly, her gaze averted to the floor.*


*She sighed as she gave Alfred a look.* "I guess it was silly that I assumed people wanted to be close friends with me when I just met them." *Alfred laid a comforting hand on her shoulder, leading her around the area so they could admire the day. Natalie watched the animals that roamed around as Alfred threw feed at them.* "I wish Bruce wasn't so busy all the time." *Natalie shared her thoughts out loud.* "I do too, but he's got a business to attend to. We just can't help that, can we?" *Alfred remarked, holding the bag of feed out so she could gran and toss some.* "I'm proud of him." *Alfred smiled.* "He's proud of you too. So am I."*


*Even though Alex didn't want to go anywhere when Harley suggested they go out, she found herself growing ansty. *"Harls, can we go sit in Gotham Park?"* Harley brightened at the suggestion. *"Yeah, of course!* She helped Alex change into a sweater and some leggings to hide her stitched scars. Once at the Park, they found a nice bench to sit at. Alex watched some swans swim by, relaxing as best she could. Suddenly, they heard two men talking in a small group of trees by them. Alex recognized a voice. *"Oh my God, that's Butch, he works for Oswald"* *"Shit, He isn't here, is he?"* Harley asked, ready to bolt. *"No, they come here for smoke breaks, Oz doesn't like the smell."* He was with another man, and they were both speaking. Alex and Harleen listened in. *"Why does Boss waste his time with that psychotic bitch?"* the other man asked. Butch chuckled, puffing on his cigar. *"You weren't there when they were together."* He said. *"She used to love him just as much as he did her. I mean, you should've seen them when they were together. They were never sad. Ever. Not even when they took a loss. Being the Boss's personal guard, I was there for every moment. I even listened in on some of their... more intimate ones."* Alex turned bright red as Harleen giggled. Butch continued. *"Things were going great until her parents broke into one of Boss's compounds and stole from him. He went behind Alex's back and murdered them."* *"Oh, geez,"* the other man said. Butch exhaled. *"Her younger sister was home when it happened. Called her right over. Oz didn't have time to leave, and Alex caught Oz in the act. I'd never seen her so hurt... the brokenness in her eyes was enough to make even the toughest of us feel something. She yelled and cried. Oz begged her for forgiveness, but she just wanted him gone. Boss has never stopped thinking about her. And I think some part of Alex still loves Oswald."* Alex swallowed, reliving all of her memories with Oswald in her head.*


*Two of Sampson's men charged at Jonathan from either side. He sidestepped, and they collided. Jonathan smirked. *"Pathetic."* He threw one of his vials at another goon, and it shattered against his hard head, getting in his eyes. He began to scream and ran off. *"The fuck?"* Sampson screamed, only having one guy left. Jonathan held up one of his vials, his eyebrow raised. *"Go ahead, try me."* He teased. The goon glanced between Jonathan and Sampson before backing off. *"Cowards!"* Sampson screamed, stomping up to Jonathan. He reached for a gun in his pocket, but Jonathan was faster. He pinned Sampson's arm behind his back and injected him with some serum. Sampson cried out in fear. He began to freak out, yelling nonsensical things. *"Tell me where Selena Kyle lives, and I'll help you."* Jonathan growled. Sampson, seeing no other alternative, complied. *"Sh-she lives a few blocks down from here, in the red brick building with the boarded-up windows off the corner of Grundy Avenue and Whitley Street."* He whimpered. *"P-Please."* Jonathan chuckled and threw the big man to the ground. *"Thank you."* He said, leaving Sampson to writhe around on the sidewalk as the fear toxin coursed through his body.*

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