Part 44

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*The lounge was booming with people and music. He was happy to distract himself, though his parties were never the same without Alex. He could still throw a good party, but a passion was missing ever since she left him. He shook his head before downing a shot. Tonight he needed to distract himself. If he kept thinking about her, he'd try to call her or bother her.* "We have more imports of the good stuff you wanted!" *One of his men shouted over the music after finding Oz. He grinned and wrapped his arm around the shoulder of his worker. The penguin was even intoxicated enough to use his name.* "Owen, that is exactly what I need! You know where to put it and you know who likes it! Spread the word to the party!" *He slurred a bit. The night was enough to remove all thoughts of his beautiful ex-lover for the time being.*


*"I think maybe... That's the main reason." *Alex sighed. Natalie hummed in response.* "That is kind of a big deal. I mean, murdering people is.... Bad." *She stated the obvious, making Alex smile a bit,* "Yeah, I guess it is." *They both laughed a little as the waiter brought their meals.* "Can we also get two bottles of wine?" *She smiled as she asked the waiter,* "Maybe it's not the best idea for alcohol and tense emotions, but it will probably make us closer." *Natalie smiled as she clinked glasses with Alex.* "He just... He gets me. He remembers things about me... He makes me feel important." *Alex explained before she ate a piece of steak off of her fork.* "Well, has he been leaving you alone?" *Natalie wondered as she sipped her wine.* "Kind of. Besides the money, yeah. But, the hallucinations make it feel like he actually is messing with me." *Natalie nodded along with what she said.* "I completely understand that. You aren't getting the proper break from his presence that you worked really hard for. That's not fair to you or your healing journey." *She continued.* "From seeing your reactions, I think there's a high possibility that Oswald and his controlling behaviours aren't what you're actually scared of; it's the changes a relationship can bring." *Natalie eyes Alex to gauge her thought process. She waited as Alex pondered her thoughts.* "I've never thought about it as a relationship problem before... Just an Oswald problem..." *She stated her thoughts.* "I'm not saying Oswald isn't the problem. He is definitely a huge trigger for you, which is understandable." *She wanted to ask about any other men she liked, but felt awkward about the Jonathan Crane situation.* "Have you been interested in anyone besides the two men I know about?" *Alex shook her head and drank her wine,* "No, I haven't had time for anything like that. I wanted to just be by myself after Oz, and well, Jonathan Crane? I used to love him. Absolutely not anymore," *Natalie hummed again.* "He is a mysterious person.." *Natalie muttered, her mind lingered back to when he was over and how he had seen her.*


*"So, we've talked about my fucked up love life. What about yours? You seem smitten for Jonathan."* Alex pointed out, smirking when Natalie turned red. *"W-what? No."* *Come on. I may be an antisocial bitch, but I'm still a woman with an intuition. I see the way you look at each other. Not to mention, you two were arguing like a married couple over at my place."* Alex pointed out. *We-we're colleagues, that's the extent of it. We just clicked, that's all."* *"Bullshit."* Alex spoke her thoughts. *"No, you know what, fine, I'll humour you. So, there's nothing going on between you and Jonathan... but are there any other men?"* *"O-Other men?"* Natalie asked, glancing around the restaurant to avoid eye contact with Alex. She was embarrassed to admit that she didn't really know any other men. Suddenly, she caught sight of two men at the bar, glancing over at their table. *"Speaking of other men..."* Alex followed her gaze to the men. She cringed. They were handsome, but Alex wasn't a fan of being checked out. She raised her hand to flip them off, but Natalie stopped her. *"Wait, maybe we can have some fun with this."* Alex frowned. *"Uh, how much have you had to drink?"* 


*Jonathan checked on Sandra. She was asleep in her closet. He decided to work in his lab some more, developing something he could use against Selena. While he still had the vials he kept in his coats, those were for emergencies. As he worked, he realized he needed to develop something to use against Oswald, and Alex again because she insulted Natalie. *"I'm going to hit her with something so hard, that stick up her ass will fall right out... okay, that sounded better in my head."* He muttered as he perfected his new batch of serum. He wondered if he could get it into Alex's apartment without anyone noticing. He didn't know if she was home, but it was worth a shot. Plus, Selena struck him as someone who stayed awake well into the night, so she'd be onto him in an instant. His revenge on her could wait. Since he normally didn't leave so late at night, he left a note for Sandra just in case.* 

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