Part 20

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*Oswald scrambled to his group of men.* "Well, at least I know where she works!" *He smiled.* "It's expected of her to act this way towards me, right? It ended so roughly. But, she'll come back around." *He stated more to himself than to the goons he was speaking with. He sighed as he pulled out his phone, making another delivery of flowers.* "Make it say: 'I'm sorry; I swear I was gonna let you go."*


*Natalie giggled at Alex's small outburst, which probably wasn't the best solution, but the irony of the situation got to her. The brunette girl apologized immensely, not wanting to cause any more tension. She placed a gentle hand on the other girl's shoulder.* "Alex, I swear. It's fine." *She smiled at her and Harleen before stepping back beside Jonathan. Her eyes drifted towards how he handled everything. She ended up staring a bit at him. It felt nice to have someone by her side since Bruce and Alfred were so busy. Much like Bruce, Natalie never really thought about a real relationship. 'Oh, I'm drunk.' She thought to herself as she tried tuning back into the conversation.* "Alex was just sooo worried about charges being pressed she-" *Harleen was stopped mid-sentence by Alex,* "Well, as long as we're all okay?" *Natalie nodded at her which made Harleen smile.* "And make sure your big scary brother doesn't find out either!" *Alex's eyes shut tightly from the embarrassment of her friend and Natalie let out another laugh.* "Oh, please! He won't even find out." *Natalie promised them before giggling again.* "Bruce, scary.." *Alex could see Selena watching from the window. She made sure her face remained neutral as her sister made her way back through the kitchen and left the manor without another trace. As the whole story was being told, Natalie didn't even suggest calling the police department on him. She was rich and never ran into trouble with the law, but she didn't like cops.* "Let me know if I can help you find Mr. Cobblepot in any way."*


*Alex was so relieved that Selena was out of Wayne Manor and things were going so smoothly with Natalie. She wished Jonathan had taken things better, he was the one she wanted to impress, anyway. She was beginning to get annoyed at him, however, because he was looking condescendingly down at her, only addressing her with snide comments or questions about how she would pay her due. When Natalie mentioned Oswald, Alex rolled her eyes. *"Psh, please. Oswald has connections EVERYWHERE. That's why I can't get a fucking restraining order on him."* she huffed. *"I just, I-I can't stand the constant 'I love you,' 'my love,' 'my darling,' 'you're so great,' blah blah blah! I mean how does he expect me to react to him after he murdered my parents!" Alex shouted riling herself up again. *"Alex, you need to stop this, please, we need to get you to a hospital!"* Harley reminded her, hoping her friend would remember her fear of embarrassment. But Alex was to the point where she was so stressed that she was beyond help. *"I can't deal with him anymore! When I'm with him, he makes my skin crawl! But when I was alone in the makeshift hospital today, I found myself yearning for him!"* She turned to Jonathan and pointed an accusing finger at him. *"You're the psychiatrist, explain that to me! Oh, and let's not forget how he does small little things that actually matter, like remembering my nervous habits, and how I like my mashed potatoes- but then he has to go and- and r-ruin it-it all..."* Alex trailed off as she was losing steam, fast. Her head pounded so much that she began to feel lightheaded. The next thing she knew, she blacked out.*


The doctor rolled his eyes as Ms Kyle seemed to go insane, waving her hands wildly as she unloaded everything that had happened today onto them. Even Harleen looked shocked at this outburst. At one point, Ms Kyle pointed at him, telling him to figure out what was wrong with her. It was comical really, and all Jonathan was thinking about was how much she belonged in Arkham, and how he'd love to experiment on her. He chuckled as Ms Kyle lost her edge and passed out, causing Harleen to jump. *"Oh, shit,"* the blonde mumbled, trying and failing to pick her friend up off the ground, being exhausted herself. Jonathan leaned down to whisper to Natalie, his hot breath hitting her ear. *"Should we... do something?"*

The Psychiatrist-The Billionaire-The Crime Lord-The Insecure (A DC Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant