Part 56

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*Oswald could have run up and kissed Butch in that moment he was so happy. Oz stood up and hugged her, not too tight so she wouldn't get hurt.* "Oh, Alex, thank you! You have no idea how hard it's been without you.." *He was practically on his knees in front of her chair. He stood, kissing her arm along the way.* "After we eat, I wanted to take you to the pier. I remember how much you used to like it. Later tonight, I have something else planned." *He sat back down in his chair and snapped his fingers. Suddenly, a group of waiters came with plate after plate of Alex's favourite foods.* "Oh, Ozzy, I didn't even order!" *Alex said in shock, she had forgotten just how nice it was to be with him.* "You didn't need to, my love." *They set the plates and drinks down as Alex's favourite songs softly played through the restaurant speakers.* "Is everything okay so far?.." *Oz asked with a glimmer in his eye. He was only ever this vulnerable for Alex, and he knew it was the same way for her,* "It's perfect, Oz.." *She smiled softly at him as they ate their meal.*


*"Then, why would they want to see you?" *Natalie spoke up. Marcelline looked at her with a confused expression, like she hadn't thought of that.* "Well, I don't know!" *She shot back. Natalie hummed.* "Why would they look so much like you?" *She took a shot in the dark, having not seen her family. It worked though, as Marcelline's facade fell the smallest bit.* "Because they're family?" *She looked between the two doctors sceptically. Natalie smiled at the girl.* "Just something to think about while you have free time." *Natalie got an idea and dug around her bag. She pulled out a petite compact mirror and handed it to the girl.* "Here. Next time you have visitors, I want you to point out three similarities between you and one person who came." *Jonathan was a bit taken aback by the sudden discovery,* "I'm sorry, but I don't think it's a good idea for any piece of glass-" *Natalie put her hand up to stop him from speaking,* "It's not glass. It's a cheap plastic one." *Natalie smiled, seemingly covering all of the ends. Jonathan couldn't argue with that and decided it would be a good exercise for Marcelline.*


*Alex couldn't believe how happy she was being back with Oswald. Well, she wouldn't say she was WITH him again... she wanted to take things slowly still, not wanting to rush back into a relationship. She felt like she was first dating him again, except this time, he knew her well enough to make everything perfect. Once they finished their meal, Oswald helped Alex up and Butch handed her her crutch back. *"Here you go."* Alex leaned on it, using it to help her walk back to the limo. Once they were settled, Oswald signalled for the driver to go. Alex leaned against him, resting her head on his shoulder. *"This is really nice..."* She sighed. *"I've only ridden in a Limo once before, and it was when we were still together."* Oswald nodded, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. *"I remember that day, we were going to one of the Wayne events, but..."* *I wouldn't get out of the limo, I didn't want to. So we... had some fun, if you will."* Alex's cheeks burned, imagining her clothes all over the floor of the limo. Oswald hummed, playing with a strand of her hair. *"I still think about that night a lot."* Alex was silent a moment before saying, *"Me too."* Alex glanced out the window and saw that they were approaching the pier. She hadn't been since she left Oswald, it was nice to be back.*


*Jonathan was impressed by Natalie's potential solution to cure Marcelline. He'd never thought of that. Even though he experimented on his patients, he still needed to do his job to keep his job, so he needed to fix patients whenever he could. After the guards took Marcelline away, Jonathan turned to Natalie. *"That was very smart of you... I'm impressed."* Natalie beamed. *"Thank you, that means a lot."* Jonathan couldn't keep himself from placing a gentle hand on her cheek. *"I can't say I'm surprised... you are very quick to learn."* Natalie swallowed as she leaned into his touch. He leaned in, almost as though he was going to kiss her when a knock on the door interrupted them. Visibly annoyed, Jonathan sneered. *"Enter!"* It was Harleen. *"Natalie, hi! And, Dr. Crane,"* She added, less enthusiastically. *"I just wanted to let you know that I think things are looking good for Alex and Oswald!"* Natalie gasped happily, but Jonathan only got more upset. He was losing his leverage over the older Kyle sister... this wasn't ideal.*

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