Part 13

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*Oh, how he hated having to use such depressing methods to get Alex to talk to him. He smiled as he heard her call out for him, but when he walked in his face showed concern. His heart only felt guilt as he saw her crying face.* "Oh, it's okay, Alex." *He immediately was by her bedside comforting her. His rough fingers wiped away tears from her eyes. He laid gentle strokes on her head, checking the machinery to make sure all of her vitals were still okay. Alex went to reply, to yell at him for putting her in such a situation, but she couldn't. Oz gave her a sincere smile, moving his hands down to hold hers in his now.* "It will be okay, Alex. You have me again. I won't let anything happen to you." *His delusions clouded his mind to be the saviour,* "You're the ONLY reason this has happened! YOU-" *She went to continue, but it hurt too bad. Oswald gently pushed her back onto the bed as he adjusted her for comfort.* "You'll see, Alex, you'll see in due time. I still love you." *His infatuated smile grew as he watched her lay, too weak to struggle against his gentle touch stroking over her hand with his.* "This doesn't mean I want anything to do with you." *Alex spoke as firmly as she could to show any form of authority. It didn't work as Oz let out a chuckle.* "I've always loved that fighting spirit."*


*She was used to the eyes of Gotham being all over her, but never when she looked so... Disheveled... She really appreciated the help he offered, but she tried her best to make it to the cab by herself.* "It's fine- I got it." *She tried shrugging him away before falling a bit again, leaving Jonathan to shake his head and help her to the cab again.* "You shouldn't be so stubborn." *He casually mentioned. She frowned a bit to herself, she knew it was true. Growing up, she never really got help. No one in that house really ever did.* "I'm working on it." *She finally replied to him, a sullen smile on her face as she got into the cab. Since the heat of the moment had died down, she could feel just how achy her body was. Sighing, she pulled out her phone and dialled Alfred.* "Hey, Al- What? no, hey, no, what?!" *She quickly cut the other questioning voice on the phone.* "There was a car accident. Yes, everyone's okay." *The volume was too low for Jonathan to hear the other voice. Natalie let out a giggle at what the other person said before ending the phone call.* "Please don't, I'll see you soon, okay?" *She hung back up and turned to Jonathan.* "Are you feeling okay? I haven't even checked on you."*


*She hated how much she loved Oswald's comforting touch. But she didn't want to. Alex stared up at Oswald, who was continuously glancing at her vitals to make sure she wasn't too stressed out. Her conflicting feelings of wanting Oz to stay and wanting him to leave her alone, combined with her potential concussion, were making her nauseous. *"O-Oz, I don't, I'm not feeling well. I-I think I'm going to throw up."* she admitted embarrassed, tears pricking her eyes again. *"Oz, I don't want to throw up."* She took a few deep breaths, trying to suppress her urge to vomit. But she couldn't help it, instinctively turning to her left and throwing up on Oswald. If Alex hadn't been doped up on drugs, she would've found that hilarious, however, she was currently mortified, bright red from embarrassment.*"Oh my God. Oh my God."* But surprisingly, Oswald didn't leap away and yell at her. Even though he was now a mess, he rubbed her back gently, whispering soothingly to her. *"It's okay. Just get it all out."* She squeezed her eyes shut as she felt another wave of nausea take over.*


*Jonathan nodded when Natalie asked if he was okay. *"You got the worst of it, unfortunately. I'm still not convinced that you just got a nosebleed. You need to be checked out."* Natalie held a tissue that the cab driver had given her to her nose. *"Alfred has medical experience. He'll make sure I'm okay."* Jonathan wasn't satisfied with that answer, preferring that Natalie got properly examined, but he kept quiet, knowing how desperately she wanted to get home. Natalie stared out the window, finally seeing the Wayne Manor gates in the distance. Jonathan had never seen the manor before. It was far enough away from his penthouse in the city that he couldn't see it. *"Do you enjoy living in the manor?"* He found himself asking. He enjoyed his penthouse because it was quiet, so he could focus on his research, and it was a nice vantage point to see all of the happenings in the city of Gotham.*

The Psychiatrist-The Billionaire-The Crime Lord-The Insecure (A DC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now