Part 32

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*After bargaining and yelling with cops for the past hour, Harley got all the information she could.* "I'm gonna kill that sick bastard!" *She screamed in frustration, kicking a nearby pole. She begrudgingly made her way back to Alex to report the small news she got.* "Alex, I'm back!" *She walked into her room to see Alex look like she just watched her parents die again.* "What happened?! Are you okay?" *Harley rushed over to her making Lucifer run off.* "I... Yeah, just a nightmare." *Alex lied to her friend, she knew it was more than just a nightmare. She sighed when Harley's face showed that it didn't believe her.* "I think stress is getting to me, Harls, I'm having these horrible hallucinations.." *She went on to explain as Harley listened attentively. Oz continued to do what he had been doing. Drinking, grumbling, and being miserable.* 


*She watched all the buildings pass as they drove back to the manor. She thought back to the Scarecrow and how the patients seemed so scared of it. She wanted to explore it deeper, to understand the fear. She turned to watch Jonathan drive.* "What got you so interested in fear? All of your studies revolve around it." *She watched as he tensed up slightly, his hands tightening on the wheel ever so slightly. Natalie often had the same reaction when confronted about her feelings, so she figured it was due to a traumatic incident like herself. If only she knew it was from something else. He cleared his throat to focus again.* "My childhood wasn't the best; it led to me constantly in terror. This is the only way I feel like I can control what happened." *He spoke truthfully which made Natalie place a consoling hand on his back.* "I know exactly what you mean." *Jonathan bit his cheek to stop from smiling, maybe someone could understand him.*


*"Ugh, enough about my horrible hallucination. What could you find out from to police about Dave's death? Is it true? Was he... killed?"* Harleen hesitated. She didn't want to make Alex feel worse than she already was. *"Um, yeah, he was killed."* *"By who?"* Alex's voice was barely a whisper. Harleen swallowed. *"Alex I don't wanna tell you."* But Alex knew exactly who it was. She only needed Harleen to confirm it. *"He's taking out everyone I'm close to. He's haunting my dreams. He's even in my hallucinations... he's not going to stop until I am completely his."* Alex mumbled, terror racking her body. *"Alex, just go to bed, please. You need more rest-"* *"No!"* Alex exclaimed. *"I'm tired of everyone telling me what I need. I'll tell you what I need: A FUCKING BREAK!"* Harleen nodded. *"I don't disagree, Alex, but I think-"* *"I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK!"* Alex interrupted, shocking her friend. *"GET OUT!"* *"A-Alex-"* *"NOW!"* Harleen didn't waste any more time arguing, she just left, deciding it was what was best. Lucifer gazed at Alex as she pulled out her phone and dialled a number she had memorized from dialling it so many times before. *"Okay Ozzy, you want me? Well, you'll have to settle for a piece of my mind."* she hissed, pressing the call button.*


*Once Jonathan was back at his penthouse after dropping Natalie off, he poured himself a glass of Bourbon to sip on. He was surprised by how much he and Natalie had in common, how much she seemed to understand him. They seemed like they were from two different stories: Her growing up getting everything she ever wanted while he had to claw his way up out of Hell to get to where he was today. And yet, they had so much in common-their passion and drive, for instance. Jonathan looked out over Gotham, but he wasn't seeing it. Instead, he was picturing Natalie in his mind. Her perfect body. Her soft hair and eyes. Her smiling lips. Perhaps it was the alcohol, but Jonathan couldn't get her out of his mind. *"I've been spending too much time with her."* He decided. 'But you'll be working together.' A voice in the back of his mind told him. 'You won't be able to avoid her. You'll crack for her.' Jonathan immediately quieted that voice. He didn't crack for anyone.*

The Psychiatrist-The Billionaire-The Crime Lord-The Insecure (A DC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now