Part 38

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*Oz pulled out his phone and dialled a number.* "Butch, where are you?" *At the park, the goon felt his phone buzz. Alex's eyes wandered over to him answering it. 'He could be talking to Oz and I wouldn't even know..' She thought to herself, getting lost in her own thoughts.* "I'm comin', Boss. We got the bag of money just like you asked for." *Oswald grinned and let out a satisfied hum.* "Good. Drop it off at the apartment."*Oswald hung up only for his phone to ring immediately. He picked it up with a frustrated tone.* "Hello??" *There were screams and wails in the background on the other end before a voice spoke up.* "Boss! Sampson's messed up real bad! Some crazy guy stabbed him with some needles; I think he gave him some kind of laced drug or something!" *Oswald groaned loudly as his fist slammed on the table.* "What do you mean?!" *He listened as the situation was told to him, his mind was already coming up with possibilities.*


*She was enjoying her time with Alfred when she saw Alex and Harleen walk into the park. They didn't see her. She quickly tried hiding her face behind Alfred, who cocked an eyebrow at her.* "So... What's wrong?" *Natalie sighed. She already embarrassed herself in front of Jonathan; she didn't wanna do it in front of Alex and Harley as well.* "I wanna be friends with them." *Alfred's eyebrow didn't go down.* "So, you're hiding? I don't think that's how friendships are made, Miss Wayne." *Natalie let out a chuckle, sitting up a bit,* "I don't think one of them likes me, so I'd just rather avoid an awkward situation." *Alfred was going to reply before they heard a voice yell over.* "Hi, Natalie!" *Harley waved over. She was sat next to an awkward-looking Alex. Natalie looked just as awkward as she waved back, though she smiled as she waved.*"Hi, you two. Wonderful day, hm?"*Natalie could sense Alex was tense about something and Harley wanted to distract her. Her eyes wandered over to the two sketchy men smoking and chatting, assuming they had something to do with that.* "You took your casts off?" *Natalie couldn't help but worry about Alex.* "Yeah. They were getting in the way." *Her reply was short but it wasn't rude or offensive. Natalie hummed and grabbed some more feed from Alfred who then offered some to the other two girls.* "The birds and squirrels love it."*


*Alex couldn't stand listening to Butch talk anymore, it was bringing up too many painful memories. *"Harleen, I need to walk more."* She said, cringing as she stood. *"Alex, are you sure? We could always go home."* Alex shook her head. *"No. I'm going to walk."* As Harleen begrudgingly agreed and they began to walk, she spotted Natalie Wayne. *"H-Harleen? Where are we going?"* Alex asked as she pulled Alex over to her. She forced Alex to sit, Alex's lips in a thin line. Alex blocked Natalie out as she said something about the weather, finding this idle chatter quite trivial, until Natalie mentioned the absence of her casts. *"They were in my way. I can heal on my own."* The older man who was with her offered Alex some feed for the birds and squirrels. Harleen gladly took some, but Alex just stared at him. *"And who the hell are you? Her adopted father?"* *"ALEX!"* Harleen hissed, nudging her side, causing Alex to flinch. *"Oh, shit. Sorry."* She said, rubbing where she'd hit her friend. *"Er, no, I'm her butler, Alfred."* He replied. Natalie wrapped her arm around Alfred. *"I mean, he's basically like my father figure."* Alex hummed, pretending to be interested. *"So, how's Lucifer doing?"* Natalie asked. *"Fine. He's probably sleeping right now."* Alex tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, and her sleeve rode up her arm in the process. *"Oh my God, your arm!"* Natalie exclaimed, noticing the many scars along it. Alex immediately pulled her sleeve back up and turned bright red. *"Nothing."* *"Alex, it wasn't nothing."* Harleen corrected. *"Shut the fuck up!"* Alex hissed. *"What happened? Do you need Alfred to look at it?"* Natalie asked. *"No!"* Alex exclaimed, exasperated. *"As you so blatantly pointed out, I took off my casts."* *"Oh my God, how?"* Natalie asked. *"With a kitchen knife!"* Harleen answered. *"What?"* Natalie was appalled. *"What caused you to do such a thing?"* *"WHO DO YOU THINK? God, for someone so fucking rich, you sure are stupid! Is it because your parents are dead, huh? Jesus Christ!"* Alex yelled, a bit louder than she meant to. She accidentally caught the attention of Butch and the other man who were finishing their smoke break to go take care of business. *"Holy shit, that's her!"* The one man said. *"Should we tell the boss? He'd want to know she's doing better."* Butch narrowed his eyes. *"Something isn't right, she shouldn't be healed yet. Okay, I'll let Oswald know I have eyes on her, you deliver the money to the apartment."* Butch gazed at the brunette, who looked pale and miserable. It hurt him, he missed the old Alex, full of life, keeping Oswald in check. He hoped that Oswald could do something to help her, or that Alex would finally come to her senses.*


*Jonathan found the apartment building that Sampson had described. When he got there, he realized he failed to ask what her apartment number was. He looked at the address list on the front of the building, but it was old and scratched up, making it virtually illegible. He was about to go in and knock on every door when he heard a meow. Frowning, he looked up and saw a bunch of cats by the window of one of the apartments on the top floor. The window opened and Selena peeked her head out. *"Hello beautifuls. Mommy's got some milk for you."* She set out four bowls, and the cats happily lapped up the liquid. Jonathan smirked. *"Gotcha."*

The Psychiatrist-The Billionaire-The Crime Lord-The Insecure (A DC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now