Part 10

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*He was very frustrated with the whole situation. It didn't help he had a crazy chick screaming in his ear. He had no idea who Alex hit, but from the car alone they looked important.* "Fuck, we have to go.." *He muttered to himself as he looked in between Harleen and the other man who was in a nice suit and the other woman with long black hair.* "Is that the Wayne girl?" *He felt the colour drain from his face as he realized who exactly she just hit. Right on cue, a beat-up van came rolling around the corner. Penguin picked her up gently,* "Come on, in you go, let's hurry now.." *He cooed reassuringly as he strapped her in the van and fled off, childishly giving Harleen the finger the goons drove away.* "Quick, check all her vitals and make sure she's okay." *He ordered the guard as he examined her face. This is not how he planned to get her back, but it worked.*


*She groaned a bit, her eyes immediately surveying his body to check him for injuries.* "No... I'm fine, I think.." *She grabbed onto her head.* "Is everyone alright?" *She held her arms out without thinking, expecting to be grabbed out of the car by him. He bent down to grab her out, but they quickly heard a van peeling away.*


*She was no longer in Oz's arms, no, she was somewhere comfy. Alex felt like she was lying on a cloud, and all of her pain had been taken away. Perhaps all of today's events had just been a terrible nightmare, and when she woke up, she'd be on Harleen's couch or in her bed. Alex's eyes fluttered open and she looked at the ornate ceiling above her. Nope, this was not hers or Harleen's apartment. *"Where am I?"* she asked aloud, trying to sit up. But she found her mobility extremely limited, as he back felt stiff and her arm was in a cast, as well as her leg. She also noticed she had some sort of drug being steadily dripped into her bloodstream via an IV, so that was why she wasn't in any pain. *"Oh, thank god you're awake. I was beginning to think the guys gave you too much medication."* Alex looked beside her and her heart stopped when she saw Oswald sitting beside her bed, all of his gifts from earlier placed on the table beside him. Alex screamed and tried to move away. *"No no no no no, stop stop stop stop! You'll hurt yourself!"* Oswald cried, going over to her and gently pinning her down. Alex wriggled beneath him. *"Don't touch me, creep!"* she snapped. *"I'd rather take my chances with whoever I hit than be stuck with you."* Oswald didn't let go of her as he sat on the edge of the bed. *"We need to discuss that, actually. You hit Natalie Wayne and whoever she was with."* This time, Alex nearly flatlined. She groaned. *"Of course I hit one of the only fucking people in Gotham who's richer than you!"*


Just as he was about to pull Natalie out of his wrecked Rolls Royce, Jonathan heard a van peel away and noticed that the man and Ms. Kyle were nowhere in sight. *"Dammit."* he huffed as he watched the blonde girl scream a string of profanities after the van. *"What's wrong?"* Natalie asked, her arms still extended. Jonathan wrapped his arms under her shoulders and pulled her out of the vehicle. *"Ms. Kyle just got away."* Natalie gasped. *"Oh no! You mean the girl from earlier. I hope she's okay."* Jonathan gave Natalie a confused look. *"What? She hit us. She should be worrying about if we're okay!"* he pointed out, but Natalie shook her head.*"It doesn't matter, she could've died."* *"YOU could've died,"* Jonathan countered. As he stared into her eyes, he realized he was still holding tightly onto her. He quickly let go. *"Perhaps we should go talk with her friend. I saw the man who took Ms Kyle earlier today at Arkham. He was watching her, and it seemed pretty sketchy. Her friend might know something about him and where we can find them."* He led Natalie over to the crazy blonde.*

The Psychiatrist-The Billionaire-The Crime Lord-The Insecure (A DC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now