Part 18

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*He sighed as he met with the goons.* "False alarm, Boss. We checked all the rooms." *Penguin groaned.* "Great! I freaked out on her over nothing!" *He grumbled to himself, taking a moment to unwind on a recliner. Alex was passed out, so he had time to think about what to do next. He wasn't gonna keep her here forever, he told himself, just until she was better. In the other room, Harleen made her way to Alex. She delicately removed the IV lines from her, making sure not to set any machine off.* "We're getting you out of here." *She whispered to her unconscious friend. She picked her up, quietly bringing her into the other room. She used a chair to help push Alex out of the window gently before hoping out of it herself.* "Woo!" *She jumped in joy, quickly turning around to pick her friend off of the ground. The Penguin went to check on Alex to make sure the medicine wasn't mixing poorly. He walked into the room to be greeted by no person; just ripped cords.* "FUCK!"*


*She led him up the stairs. The situation almost seemed romantic, she felt her cheeks burn a bit, luckily it was too dark to see anyway. She stopped him from walking into her room.* "Just one second, please." *Jonathan thought it was odd but waited nonetheless. Though she was an adult, she slept with a stuffed bear she had had since she was young. She took the bear and placed it behind the pillow on her bed just so he couldn't see it. Natalie would be a bit embarrassed if anyone found out, little did she know a certain Catwoman was watching. She quickly opened the door for him, leading him to the balcony where they rested on the railing.* "I really hope Miss Kyle is okay..." *She hummed out. She took a sip from her glass, finishing it. It was her second glass and she could tell a bit. She normally didn't drink, but much like Jonathan she felt like today had been hectic.* "I shoulda got her friend's phone number, too." *She slurred the smallest amount in her words.*


*Alex blinked her eyes open, awakening after being drugged for a third time. At first, she thought she was still sleeping because she found herself in the back of a noisy car, but when she looked in the driver's seat, she saw Harleen. *"You came!"* Alex exclaimed, realizing she was in her friend's beat-up old Honda Civic. Alex sat up but immediately regretted that decision because since her IV was removed, she was in immense pain. *"Don't worry, I'm taking you to a hospital so you can get properly looked at."* Harleen assured her. *"No! We need to go to Wayne Manor."* Alex said. Harleen slammed on the brakes and pulled over so she could glance back at Alex. *"EXCUSE me?"* Alex groaned from the pain of being thrown against the back of the passenger seat. *"Harls, Selena is breaking into the manor to see what the Waynes plan to do to me. If it's bad, she'll do anything to stop it to make sure she doesn't need to take care of me."* *"Well, what do you want us to do? You can barely walk, and even if you do make it to the front door, what do you expect to say? 'Hey, I know I already hit you today, but my sister broke into your house, sorry I keep on making your day shitty!"* Alex pinched the bridge of her nose. *"I don't know, maybe if Selena sees us come up the driveway, she'll leave. I need to apologize to Natalie anyway."* *"But you hate apologizing."* Harley reminded her. *"Yeah, no shit! But I need to say something, how will it look if I don't?"* Harleen huffed, knowing her friend was right. *"Fine, I'll take you. But if we get into deeper shit, it's not my fault!"* Harley told her before resuming driving, this time to Wayne Manor.*


*Jonathan noticed Natalie beginning to get a bit tipsy. 'She doesn't drink much' he thought to himself with a smirk. As Natalie slightly slurred that she should've gotten Harleen's number, he shook his head. *"We'll find them, and they'll pay their due."* Natalie shook her head. *"We're both already rich. And my offer to buy you a new car still stands. I'm contemplating paying for their hospital bills as well."* Jonathan scoffed. *"As much as I admire it, you're far too nice. I mean, I've only known you for a day, and because of them, I almost lost you..."* He trailed off, realizing that was a rather intimate thing for him to say. *"Erm, I mean, I nearly lost your help. You will be quite handy to have around."* But Natalie smirked, taking another swig of her champagne. *"Whatever you say, Jonathan."* She swirled the liquid around in her glass. *"The hardest thing will be calling off Bruce and Alfred. They're both very protective of me."* Jonathan nodded. *"They do appear to be..."* He trailed off again as he noticed a pair of headlights travelling up the driveway, past the gates of the manor. Natalie saw them too. *"Who the hell could that be?"* Jonathan stood and offered Natalie his hand. She took it and he pulled her to her feet. *"Let's go find out."* 

The Psychiatrist-The Billionaire-The Crime Lord-The Insecure (A DC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now