Part 12

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"You need to stop stressing and trust me! I know things ended badly, but I really was only trying to help you. You know I love you, just... Trust that I can at least take care of you for now?" *His eyes practically begged hers as he managed to calm her down enough for him to speak.* "I'm having the best guys around take care of your vitals." *He placed his hands on top of hers. Alex still rubbed her head, but soon stopped when Oz took the position.* "You ruined EVERYTHING last time!.." *Her yelling spiked the heart monitor to jump causing Oswald to look worried again. He sighed and muttered to himself.* "I really didn't wanna have to do this, my love, but you leave me no other choice.." *Before she could even start to worry about what he meant, he was adjusting her medication, casually knocking her out for some much-needed rest and cool-down time.* "We'll speak again in a few hours, Beautiful."  


"No! Please! Just take me home, Bruce is probably worried sick... I mean, it's just a nosebleed." *She wiped more blood from her nose, groaning a bit as she leaned her aching head into Jonathan's chest just enough to block some of the light out. Through everything, she could still smell his cologne. With all the energy she could muster up, she managed to find a business card with her name and number on it and handed it to the blonde girl, who introduced herself as Harleen.* "Call us if you need any extra help; I feel absolutely horrible about this whole situation!" *Harleen let out a shaky sigh before giving them a small thanks and making her way to find Alex. Natalie turned back to Jonathan, not leaning on him as much anymore.* "I'm so sorry about your car, Jonathan! Let me pay to get you a new one, please?" *She looked up at him with pleading eyes.*


*Alex was much groggier when she awakened again because of Oz upping her medication. She lazily looked around the room, finding that Oz was nowhere in sight. When she realized she was alone, it might have been the medication, but tears started rolling down her cheeks. *"I don't want to be alone."* She said to the empty room. She sniffled, almost ALMOST wishing that Oz would come back and just be in the room with her. If he didn't approach her or say anything, just be there, that would be preferable. But she knew he'd end up setting her off again. *"Why did you have to mess things up, Ozzy?"* She whimpered, finding herself using his pet name that she hadn't used in forever. *"No, this has to be the medication talking. You're fine by yourself, get over it."* Alex told herself, although she didn't calm down much, tears still flowing down her face. She felt extremely small in the large hospital bed surrounded by scary machines under the strange ornate ceiling that didn't belong in a hospital. Alex was afraid of it all. She looked around her to see if she could find her phone, she remembered having it on her after the crash, but it was nowhere to be seen. This only made her cry harder when she realized she couldn't call for anyone. *"Of course he took my phone!"*As fear consumed her, realizing she was well and truly alone, she did something that surprised even herself: *"OSWALD!"* She cried.*


*Jonathan shook his head at Natalie's offer to buy him a new car. *"Absolutely not. You shouldn't be paying for anything. This accident wasn't your fault at all."* Natalie pouted. *"I know, but I feel terrible. This wouldn't have happened if I had just called Alfred."* Jonathan pinched the bridge of his nose. *"No, this wouldn't have happened if the DMV didn't just hand out licenses to the insecure."* He grumbled. By now, bystanders were beginning to surround the area, and a few looked like they were calling the GCPD. *"Wait here."* He told Natalie, situating her so she was being supported by the car before disappearing into the crowd. A few minutes later, he came back and wrapped Natalie's arm around his shoulders, so he was supporting her. *"I got a cab, you're going home if that's really what you want."* Natalie nodded. *"It is, but, your car-"* Jonathan waved his hand dismissively as he ped her to the cab. *"We'll worry about that later. Let's just get you home and safe."* 

The Psychiatrist-The Billionaire-The Crime Lord-The Insecure (A DC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now