🐈Katsuki x Neko Reader🐈

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Hope you guys like it!!! Its a little fluff.


Y/N' Pov.

I'm shivering from the cold wind hitting my bare legs and arms. My clothes dirty along with my face and body. Holding my arms for warmth. Its about 1 in the morning. I had escaped from my kidnapper, who had kidnapped me when I was 12, I'm 16 now. I find a small box I grab it and rib some of it off and use it to cover my head as it is also raining. My lip quivering. A car drives by splashing a puddle on me making me more wet and dirty. It gets way to cold I walk into a ally and sit down hugging my knees and covering my face, holding up the piece of the box. I let some tears fall down my face. "I should've just stayed t-there." I cry more. After a few minutes I hear a car door open then close. "Oh my lord. Are you ok sweetie?!" I look up to see a older woman with blonde spiky hair. "S-so cold." With the light from the near by street light I see her face sadden. "Here come on. Take my jacket." She takes off her jacket and hands it to me. I slowly reach up my hand shaking from the cold and take it. "T-thank you." She smiles at me and helps me stand up. "Lets go to my house and there we can get you clean and warmer. How does that sound?" I nod. She leads me to the passengers seat and opens the door she sit me down and closes the door. She then walks around. She gets in and turns on the hot air. After about 10 minutes she pulls up to a nice looking house.

I look up to see a room with the lights on. I can see inside and the walls are like a dark red with some posters of bands and one of All might. I see the door open and I am lead inside of the house. "Here, sit on the couch while I go get you some clothes, and towels and talk to my husband and son." I nod. She walks up the stairs. I look around moving my head taking in the warmth of the house. I see some pictures of her and this man with brown hair. Then there is one with them two and this boy my age with the same hair as his mom looking pissed. I smile a little looking at the boy. "He is kinda cute." I turn to the stairs. To see the lady with the man that has brown hair. "I got you some shorts as I can't seem to find my sweats, also got you panties, bra, and I got my sons shirt for you. The towel too." I stand up and take the clothes. "Thank you so very much." I slighty bow down. "Oh sweetie there is no need for that! Just happy I could help. Ah almost forgot this is my husband. My son will come down in a bit." She smiles at me then yells looking up the stairs. "GET DOWN HERE PUNK!" I flinch. Her husband seemed to notice that. "Honey please don't yell. Your scared the poor girl." She looks at me. "I did?! I'm so sorry!" I try to smile. But then I turn to see the boy in the picture walk down the stairs looking pissed. His hands in the pockets of his grey sweats wearing a black muscle shirt. H-he has a good b-body....I shake my head. I slightly smile at them. "Who is she?" I look over at the boy. "Katsuki, I found her out in an alleyway. I couldn't leave her there. So she will he staying here with us until she finds some other place." He rolls his eyes. "Ok whatever, I don't care." He turns around to walk back up the stairs. "She will be staying in your room Bakugou." He stops and turns to glare at his mom then at me. "What?! Like hell she is staying in my room!!" I soon hear a loud thump. "You will be nice to her!! She is our guest. Got it punk?!" I put my ears down in a sad way. "Excuse me but where is the bathroom...?" I look down scared to look up since I'm not used to these people and I'm scared if I act how I usually am they will kick me out. "Oh sweetie you can use the on in my sons room. Katsuki show her." I hear him growl and my ears perk up. "Hurry up extra." I walk behind him. We walk up the stairs and he walks into the room I had seen from the outside. "Nice room." He lets himself fall on his bed. "Whatever. How long are you fucking staying?" I look down. "I don't know...I don't have no place to go to." He looks at me weird as my ears press against my head and my tail stops swaying. "Don't you fucking have a family?" I shake my head. "No I was kidnapped five years ago...." He freezes. "You didn't think to go to the police?!" I look back up at him. "Don't you think I did?! They didnt care! They thought I was homeless and worst of all they wouldn't help me cause I'm a neko." He stays quiet. "I'm gonna take a shower." I walk into his bathroom and place the clothes they gave me on the toilet seat lid. I took my shorts off that were all ripped up from running through the woods. Then my tank top. I should've changed clothes but all the clothes that man had were revealing. I look in the mirror. "For a kidnapper he did feed me pretty well." I take off my underwear. Then I unclip my bra. I look at my face and try not to cry. I had my face all dirty with a cut on my cheek. I reach up my hand to touch it. I flinch and hiss in pain. I turn on the warm water and step inside. I let it hit me. I just stand there in the water. I grab the shampoo and wash my hair along with my ears and tail. I then grab the conditioner and do the same but leave it in my hair, ears and tail while I wash my body with soap. After I'm down I stand under the water and wash it all off I look down to see the dirty water go down the drain. I turn the water off and I step out and wrap the towel my body. I dry my body and then I wrap the towel around my hair. I get the underwear and the bra I try to put on the bra but it is to big. I bite my lower lip. I slightly open the door and peek my head out. "Uh Bakugou?" "What?" He looks at me. "Your mom's bra doesn't fit me." He rolls his eyes and stands up from his bed and places his phone on his bed. "Give me the bra and your bra so I can put it in the washer." I look back and grab my bra and I take off his mom's bra. I look back at him and I hand them to him. "Just put my shirt on for right now." I nod and I close the door. I take off the towel and dry my hair. I put the shirt over my head and put my arms through the holes. I look in the mirror and smile. "I love this shirt." I open the door to see him walking back into the room his eyes land on me. "Uh..." He looks at me in the eyes then his eyes trail down to my chest then lower down to my legs. I shift being uncomfortable. He seemed to snap out of it. "Sorry..." He looks away from me. "My parents are on their room. Also your sleeping in my bed with me." I see him kick a blanket in the far corner. I giggle. "I'm ok with that." I sit on the edge of his bed. "Uh which side is mine?" I sits next to me. "Whichever side you want." I smile at him. "I'll take this side." I point to the side where his window is closer to. "Alright, whatever." I feel myself be picked up and placed on my side of the bed. I blink twice before looking at him to see him look back at me. "What?" He lays down crossing his arms over his chest. "Do you have a quirk?" I look down at my fingers and I start to play with them. "Yeah but I prefer to use my dad's quirk more then my mom's." I look at him take his phone and go on a game. I lay on my side placing my cheek on the pillow but shooting up in pain. I hiss and my ears twitch. "What the fuck?!" He looks at me. I touch my cheek. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." He tsks. "You didn't scare me the fuck?!" I giggle. "Ok then. Uh what are you playing?" He looks back at his phone. "Fighting game. Is your cut fine?" I look at his eyes. "Its hurts but I'll be fine just gotta sleep on my back or on this side." He looks at it. "It looks horrible." I pout my tail swaying. "Geez thanks." He stands up. "I think I have a need kit in my bathroom. Hold up." (I know that Katsuki isn't like his character and I'm sorry about that!!>~<.) He comes back with a small med kit and take out some bandages and some cream along with some rubbing alcohol. "Here get closer to me." I crawl in front of him and sit on my knees looking at him. He takes some cleaning cloths and cleans around my cut not putting any pressure. Grabbing me by my chin. He looks so concentrated. He looks so good. "This might sting." My ears twitch. "Ok..." I look into his red like fire eyes. He look at me too then quickly at my cheek. I soon feel a stinging and burning pain on my cheek I jump and hiss. I lean closer to him and bite his cheek out if reflect. He groans and pulls away. "What the fuck!?!" My eyes widen. "Gomen gomen!!" (For those of you who don't know what gomen means it means sorry) I scoot closer to him and he moves back. My ears drop along with my tail. I bring my face close to his and stick out my tongue I move to the side and lick his cheek where I bit him. "That's my sorry." He looks and me and pushes me away. "Your cut seems fine." I nod and lay back down facing him as he puts the med kit away and lays back down to continue his game. I smile looking at him play and how he gets so mad when he loses. How he cusses at himself for not doing something. He looks so cute. I close my eyes smiling. "Good night Katsu...." I fall into deep slumber.

Katsuki rolls his eyes but his lips inch upwards in a smile. After a few more fights he turns off his phone and lays down facing Y/N and looking at her features. Lightly touching her ears. She is cute. He soon starts to hear purring. He moves closer to hear Y/N purring. He wraps his other arm around her waist while his face snuggles into her neck, playing with her ears.

~3 months after~

Its after school for Y/N and Katsuki. Y/N usually waits for Katsuki outside of his school. She waves at the people she has meet through Katsuki. She soon sees spiky ash blonde hair. She grins. She jogs over to him and wraps her arms around his neck. "Hi Master!~" He groans. "How many fucking times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that?!" "Hmm lost count and don't care!" He rolls his eyes but wraps his arms around her waist. "How is my kitty?" Y/N giggles. "Feline ok. A kiss wouldn't be bad." "Please stop with the cat puns!" Y/N snickers. "Never!" Katsuki pulls her closer. "If I give you a kiss you have to stop for today, ok?"

I smile. "Ok babe." He leans in a kisses me on the lips I kiss him back and smile once more when we pull away. "Come one kitty. I am hungry." I smirk. "Hmm well how about a snack?" I lean towards his ear and lick the rim. I feel his hot breathe on my neck. I then feel him biting my ears. "Damn, but I don't wanna have dessert before my dinner." He pulls away and smirks at me. My face exploding. "I hate that your better at that." He chuckles. I feel his hand on my ass and squeezes it. I gasp. "Katsuki! I'm wearing a skirt!" He smirks at me. "Keep it on for later." I look st him confused. "Why?" He holds my hand. "Easier access." I blush. "O-ok." We continue the walk home.

Please don't hate me!!!!! Sorry!!! I just I really dont have an excuse for not updating. I have had times where I could but I just didn't. I apologize for that!!!! Another thing.....thank you guys so so so very much for reading this book!!!! I just ahhh thank you really do much!!! New chapter tomorrow I promise!!! Its an request!!!! Byeeeee love youuuuu!!



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