💥Katsuki x Reader💥

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Hi, I hope you guys like this one-shot. I was doing a new years one-shot but like I kinda gave up on that one. So I hope you enjoy this one-shot. You guys have no quirks. It's just regular high school, Katsuki is still hot-headed because that's why we love him. You are in his 2nd and 3th period. You play volleyball. I’m actually doing it like my school schedule. So yeah, I hope you enjoy it.

Y/N’s Pov.
I walk down stairs with my backpack loosely hanging off my shoulder. I walk into the kitchen to see my mom making out with her boyfriend, dropping everything around them. I awkwardly cough, letting them know that I am present.

They both stop and turn to look at me. “Oh! Y/N, I made you pancakes.”  She gets out of his grasp and hands me a plate with two pancakes. I take the plate and mumble a thanks. “What was that?” I look over to him. “It’s fine, I heard her.” My mom looks at me and smiles.

I walk out of the kitchen and sit on the couch and take out my phone. Things soon start hitting the floor and I hear giggling. I finish my pancakes and grab my keys on my way out.

I lightly jog over to the crosswalk and push the button as if that will make it go faster. I put on my earphones and blast my music as I step off the sidewalk and walk to my school.

Once there I take my left earbud off and start twirling it. I make my way over to the girls locker room and change into my white shirt and blue with gray shorts. I head out to the gym.

After running laps and doing a couple of exercise drills, Coach Green blows the whistle indicating that class is over. I go back into the locker room and change back into my school clothes. I start to twirl my earphones again.

“Y/N! I’m having a sleepover at my house today. You down?”  I look back at Cynthia. “Wouldn’t miss it C” I walk out of the locker room and cross the street to get to the school’s main buildings. (Don’t know about you guys but I have to cross the street to get to the girl’s locker room and baseball field.)

I make my way to my 2nd period class. “Don’t fucking touch me bitch!” I roll my eyes to his voice. “Could you be anymore annoying?” (Chandler Bing anyone!) 

He looks over to me with his fiery red eyes looking me up and down. “What the fuck did you just say to me?! Do you know who I am?!” I cross my arms over my chest. “Oversized toddler with cussing issues?”

His body stiffens up and he locks his jaw. “You're gonna regret that.”  His friend places his hand on his shoulder. “Man come on, chill. You wouldn’t hit a girl.”  He shrugs his friends hand off. “Shut up! Shitty Hair!”

Shitty hair? That’s a shitty...nickname. I turn to walk away. “Where the fuck do you think you’re going?!”  I ignore him and keep walking. “Hey! Get the fuck back here-stop touching me shitty hair!”

I walk in and take my seat. He walks in shortly after still clearly angry and eyeballing me the whole time. A small smirk creeps onto my face. 

~Time skip to 3rd period~

I walk in and take a seat. I see someone loom over me. I turn around to come face to face with none other than the fussing toddler. 

“How can I help you?”  He takes the seat next to mine. “That stupid hag, told me I needed help with the short story we are writing and….to ask you for help.” He takes a glance over to me. 

But quickly averts his eyes from mine. “Sure, I guess I can help you.”  He lets out a shaky breath . “OK good, but no one can know.” I look at him confused. “Why not?”

He turns his body to me. “Because I don't want people to know I need help, especially from you.”  I roll my eyes. “Fine whatever. We can work on it today.” He gets up and starts to walk away.

“That's fine. I can only do Tuesdays and thursdays.”  I lean back in the chair. “Weirdo.” I mumble.


Hey guys! I know it's really short, but I wanted to post something today even if it wasn't exactly Valentine inspired. Happy Valentine's Day! I honestly loved this Valentines day because I got to hang out with my best friend as we are both very single haha, any who I hope you guys enjoyed this small post. See you next time. Byyee love you guys. 

💥Katsuki Bakugou/One Shots💥Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora