Dangerously In Love

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'Cause I, am in love with you, I'm in love
You set me free
I can't do this thing called life without you here with me
Cause I'm, dangerously in love with you'

1 Month Later
Island Point Bronx, New York
Onika Maraj

"Stop moving" She tiredly mumbles tightening her grip around my waist so I couldn't move.

I could never get up to do anything when she was asleep cause she held me close like she was scared I would leave in the middle of the night.

"So you don't want breakfast?" I ask massaging my fingertips in her scalp.

"I just wanna hold you... and sleep" She softly sighs and as if on cue mir starts whining through the baby monitor.

"I guess I'll take that breakfast now, bring him in here" She releases me from her hold and I roll out the bed in pursuit of my little prince.

Walking in his nursery I go over to the crib scooping him up and he relaxes in my arms.

Turning around I walk over to a sleeping nari's room scooping her out of the bed, once I had both of them situated in my arms I walk back down the hall.

Turning the corner I walk back in the room going over to the bed.

"My crybaby" Cardi chuckles kissing mir's cheek as I placed him in her arm.

"And my princess" She kisses nari's cheek as I lay nari in her opposite arm.

"Can you make me a omelette?" She asks with a small yawn.

"Mhm, anything you want" I lean down softly kissing her lips.

"Can I get some of ya time later?" She questions softly biting the corner of her lip as she eyes me from head to toe.

"Anything you want" I smirk flexing my dimple.

"You look too good in the mornings" She mumbles closing her eyes and I lowly laugh slightly shaking my head.

"You want pancakes on the side of that omelette?"

"I want you on the side but pancakes a be good too"

"You can have me as the main course" I mumble under my breath as I turned to walk out the room.

"I will, later. I want my pancakes with crispy edges too" She chuckles and I playfully roll my eyes as I walk out the room.

Hours Later
Belcalis Almanzar

"Why you so tired?" She asks as I sleepily yawn for the third time in the past 20 minutes.

"I don't know, it's like I'm tired but I'm not. I been being lazy too much, it's starting to take a toll on me" I chuckle making myself comfortable between her legs.

"You need to find a hobby" She chuckles and I nod agreeing.

"I really do, probably when mir get old enough to go to daycare I'll start doing something other then watching my money pile up"

"You just had to find a way to flex" She laughs and I goofily smile.

"I was born to flex" I smirk.

"That's why ya kids so spoiled now"

"And you not? Don't act like it's just them cause you spent a surgeons salary in paris"

"We not talking about me right now, we're talking about you and your kids"

"You spend more than all three of us combined, I might need to have a intervention for you soon. You a shopaholic or something" I laugh and she smacks her lips mushing my head.

"Stop playing with me, I just like nice things and don't act like I don't be cashing out on everybody. I never come back with just things for me" She defends herself.

"Nic I'm playing shut ya crybaby ass up, you know money will never be a concern of mines. I got four accounts and you only got access to one, and most likely ain't gone ever need access to the other three, spend away"

"You got an offshore bank account?"

"Of course, filled with tens of M's for a rainy day"

"How much money do you think you made over the course of the years?" She curiously asks.

"I can't tell you all that but I can tell you I got 30 million in the offshore account, and I was the main distributor of pills and weed for this beautiful city since I was 17, you can try to do the math yourself"

"Wow, I really fell in love with a drug trafficking criminal" She softly chuckles and I smack my lips.

"Stop playing with me nic" I chuckle softly hitting her stomach with the back of my head.

"Oh you tryna take me out, this plus size head you carrying. I feel bad for ya shoulders sometimes" She giggles and this time I smack my lips sitting up.

"Onika you got one more time to play with me, cause let's not talk about that extended nose you haulin around"

"Okay, okay, I quit" She laughs and I lay back down resting the back of my head on her lower stomach.

"That laugh ain't cute" I chuckle and she mushes my head making me laugh.

"Shut up, you love me"

"Just a lil bit" I smirk.

"Okay now you need to stop playing with me before it get real risky in here for you" She chuckles and I bust out laughing.

"Yo, you're crazy. Like what's wrong with you?" I laugh shaking my head.

"You, all my common sense flies out the window when it comes down to you" She softly sighs.

"And I wouldn't want you any other way, nobody step for me like how you step for me. You loyal and I value that more than your love for me if I'm being honest, I love the fuck outta you though" I softly chuckle.

"And I love the way that you love me, I wish people could see this side of you so they can understand why I am how I am when it comes to you"

"Even if they did they still wouldn't understand, and I'm fine with that cause it's not for them to understand" I shrug with a small yawn.

"My sleepy baby" She cooes in a baby voice making me chuckle.

"Leave me lone nic" I mumble shutting my eyes.

"I love you" She softly sings and I respond with a small hum.

"No" She nudges me with her thigh and I smack my lips.

"I'm in love with you, can I sleep now?" I softly chuckle.

"Yup, and imma watch you"

"Weirdo" I laugh.

"Shut up" She mumbles softly mushing my head.

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