Part 29- Moving on🚶

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It's been five years since Nathan was convicted.
It is true what they say that "time heals".

It was easy for me to say I had moved on, from the pains I had to deal with.

I had finally come to accept my fate and that whatever I had gone through was what life had decided to serve me.

After the miscarriage, I had lost all hope.
I really wanted my child to stay and comfort me, but that wasn't the case.

I had to comfort myself and stop grieving.
But that was a hard thing to do.

Eventually I decided to find a distraction, something to keep me completely away from thinking about my fears.

My work was subjecting me to a lot of stress and that wasn't what I needed at that time.

I had to leave that work environment.
Yes, I had to resign.

Imagine having to end a job at the verge of promotion.
That was how far I could go to end my grief.

I left the job without thinking twice about what effect it would have on me.
I was bent on making myself happy and distracting myself from everything.

The people around me felt I was running crazy and that I had made a wrong decision.

But , I wasn't worried.
Nathan's business was doing well as he had a really good Manager who I made sure I paid well.
So, it provided for me while I was out of a job.

I decided to learn something new, one completely out of the accounting field which I was used to.
I decided to go into the fashion line.

At first, I felt it wasn't a good choice but I had to try it out first before concluding.

My mother thought I was going crazy to leave a well paying job to become a tailor.
Of course, they didn't understand and I didn't even expect them to.

Nathan too didn't think much of it when I discussed my plans with him.
He didn't say exactly so, but I could see the doubt on his face.

But now,
five years later, I had launched my own fashion line which I called "DivaStyles".

"I like that you went for the name I suggested, even after you had thought it boring" Nma said as she entered with two glasses of fruit juice in both hands.

She brought me back from my thoughts as I smiled at her.

I watched her struggle to sit after handing a glass to me.

She was heavily pregnant with her second baby and I was sure it would be coming anytime soon.

"Yeah, I couldn't think of any other name. And it began to sound pretty cool to me you know" I said sipping my drink

"Diva styles" I said, moving my hands jokingly like I was about to cast a spell.

"I take the credit " she said rolling her eyes at me.

I laughed.

"Yeah you do. But I'm still not happy you couldn't make it to the opening party last week" I said with disappointment written on my face.

"I'm sad I couldn't too. But my situation wasn't one I could compromise. Danny was really sick , he got me really scared that day" she said placing emphasis on her fear.

"What was wrong? Malaria?" I asked worriedly.

"Not really. I just found him curled up on the bed. He had bruises on his knees and arm. Maybe he had fallen down" she said looking away from me , like my eyes were guns.

"And you still don't know for sure what had happened to him?"

"He said he fell down " she answered like she wanted to end the talk already.

"But he is better now. It wasn't a big deal after all" she continued immediately.

I shrugged muttering a "thank God"

"I haven't seen John lately. Is he even around?" I asked drinking from my glass.

"Yeah, he's fine" she answered as her countenance changed.

I looked at her surprisingly
"Anything wrong? Are you both quarrelling" I asked with a playful chuckle.

"No, not that. We are cool" she answered touching her neck slowly as she avoided my eyes.

I felt she was lying , but I decided not to press on.
It's the usual marriage stuffs , so I thought.

There was silence between us as my eyes scanned through her body.

"What gave you that scar? I haven't seen it before" I asked after I had spotted a scar on her right arm.

It was a rough line. It looked like a deep cut which had healed roughly.

"What scar?" She asked looking at me for a hint.

I pointed.

"Oh, this" she said touching the spot like she had only just noticed that it was there.

"It's been here, you've really not noticed it?" She asked and I shook my head in response.

"Then you really are not observant" she said casually as she looked back to her phone.

I didn't press on even though I was in doubt.

"Please let that baby out already, I need to carry her. It's a her not so?"

I asked laughing.

She nodded.
"It might be dropping any time soon. I think my water just broke" she said acting.
She laughed as my eyes widened in anxiety.

"And you would definitely be a godmother this time" she said smiling deeply.

"I can't wait. I missed out on that when you had Danny, I really wished he was a girl"

She laughed hard as she threw her head backwards.

I joined her.

And together, we laughed about so many other things.

I couldn't imagine my life without Nma, especially in my recent lonely days.

See you guys later💃❤....

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