Part 4- Four days

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    'I really feel you have a problem. It's been four days already. I can't even find a good reason in your claim.' Nma said as she dropped a cup of coffee on the stool next to me.

She stood arms akimbo staring at me for a while, then she shook her head as she hissed and walked towards the dinning.

'What's wrong?' I said with my usual puppy voice, but it wasn't going to convince Nma to side me on this matter.

I moved and grabbed a chair next to hers on the dinning table.

'I just felt calling him immediately would make me look desperate,so I decided to give it sometime' I shrugged.

'Why are you so scared of looking desperate? If so, you could have called the next day then. Now it's almost a week, you're asking me what I think you should do'
she snapped.

I hated to admit that she was right though.

'If he was interested in me so badly, why didn't he collect my number instead. ' I said in my defense.

'From your description ,the guy is rich right?' She asked gesturing.

I just nodded.

'Listen to me, rich men don't have that time. He knows that as a lady, many men would be after you. He definitely didn't want to go around pestering you,that was why he gave you his card instead, because he felt that you eventually calling would mean that you want the friendship to work out. That's the logic behind his actions'. Nma was almost shouting all in one breath.

'Why are you all worked up over this ?' My eyes questioned.

'I'm not worked up, it's your business by the way. It's just that classy men like Nathaniel are hard to come by'

'It's Nathan!!!' I corrected

'Whatever, just call him' she said waving me off.

'Well not yet' I said crossing my leg over the other.

Nma stared at me and suddenly stood up. She worked towards the TV stand and grabbed Nathan's complimentary card from where I had left it.

'Babe ,look at this complimentary card, does it look like the usual one you find around? Does it even look like something they give out to anyone. I bet you've never seen something designed this good.' She said as she waved it so closely to my face.

Truly, it was out of the usually seen,but I wasn't going to admit that either.

'It's not that rare?' I said feeling irritated.

We were silent for a few minutes.

She grabbed my phone from the table where it was and walked towards the corridor.

I just realized what she might be doing. But it was too late!!

She placed the phone on my ear giving me the 'let's see how you end it' stare.

I think she knew I wasn't going to end it,giving the way I talked about Nathan in the past few days.

"Hello, who is this please?' His deep voice filled every space in my ear.

I smiled as I freed the phone from Nma's tight grip on my ear. She smiled and walked away to sit on the couch.

'It's me Amara. Amarachukwu' I said smiling and pacing around the room like every other lady would do.

'Why did it take you so long? I almost felt that I wasn't a nice company after all' he said calmly.

'I'm sorry, I was a little bit busy' I lied.

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