Questions and Updates.

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Hello guys !!!!

I hope AMARA'S CHOICE  was an interesting read.

I enjoyed writing it and everyone who constantly read, commented and voted made me keep pushing.

Thank you all for your contributions and for following this beautiful book through till the end.

Love you all.❣️


1) who do you think told Nathan about AMARA'S whereabouts?

2) when Nathan said "I know", what do you think he was talking about?

3) can you forgive if you were to be Nathan or Amara?

4) Do you think Damilare should at least know even though his child is dead?

5) who was your best character and why?

6)Do you think Amara was the reason for her sufferings?

7) what part of this book was your best part?

8) which character did you hate the most and why?

9) what would you change in this book if you had the opportunity to?


So I'm super excited because I would be starting a new book in September.

Be expectant!!!!

I called it EJIRÓ.

It's going to be an interesting read.

I would be dropping the prologue and story description tomorrow.
Make sure you read as well.

Please show me the same support in this new book just as you all did with AMARA'S CHOICE.

Love you all❣️❣️.

       PEACE OUT✌️✌️.

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