part 7: Being apart😢

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This chapter is dedicated to my first follower @GEORGELISIUS
I was super excited when I got the notification that you followed.
Thank you❤😄🙈

I was surprised maybe not shocked.

'Hey Amara' he greeted almost waving.

'Hey' I replied almost rolling my eyes at him. And he was making matters worse by placing those legs on my couch.

'So tell me ,how did it go?' Nma asked looking a bit uneasy.

' It went well' I said as I walked to my room looking at John ,whose eyes were completely on the TV screen.

Nma walked in closing the door as she entered.

'Babe , I'm really sorry about John. I know you are not happy he's here. I just needed his company'

'Why didn't you tell me he was coming?' I snapped.

'I didn't think it was necessary, thought you would be spending the night with Nathan' she defended

'Oh really?' I said rising from the bed where I sat.

'You should have actually, it's only normal to do so' she said care freely.

'Woww' I uttered in surprise.

'Maybe I'm not the type to go about sleeping with men like you do' I continued with a raised voice.

Nma fell silent and just kept starring at me.

'So that's how you see me?' She asked calmly as she folded her arms over her chest.

'That's what you've shown me so far!' I barked.

'Well, I'm sorry about that. But why do you hate John so much?'
She asked calmly.

I knew she wasn't expecting an answer. She stood for a while and left banging the door after her.

What a way to end a wonderful evening. I shouldn't have said all I said, but a part of me still says I spoke truth.

I couldn't bring myself to answer. Why did I hate John so much?

Maybe I haven't let myself see the good side of him. I just felt he had this control over Nma that I couldn't comprehend.

He seemed so full of himself. Maybe I should just give them a chance after all.

I changed into my nightwear and finally made up my mind to apologize to Nma.

As expected, she was gone already by the time I came out. She had left with him, I'm sure to his house.

I rolled my eyes at the empty room and found my way to the couch.

Reminiscing on the night with Nathan. That gave my sad face a new excited look.

Nathan all through the night wasn't being touchy as the other dates I've had. Wasn't I attractive enough?

The fact that I was ready to be kissed by him earlier on surprised me. I was disappointed when he drew away from me.

I had melted when he held my hand and each time he looked me in the eyes.

I have always wanted this feeling and now, I'm unsure if I want it to stay.

My thoughts were interrupted when my phone rang. He was calling.

'Hey Amara, hope you are good?'

'Yes I am , how about you?'

'Didn't think you would still be up, just decided to try my luck'

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