Part 16- I can't😞

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Hey guys,I'm here again.
This lovely chapter is dedicated to my new follower rentsubiim.
Thank you so much❤

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"She is making a very big mistake and I wouldn't forgive myself if I let her. John is just not the right one for her" I said pacing around the parlour with Nathan starring at me.

I paused in my step and looked at him.
His face was expressionless. I sighed at that and walked slowly to sit beside him.

"Amara, Nma is an adult and she can make decisions about just anything. If she feels John is good , then John is. You can't talk her out of getting married to him"

He said reaching for my hand. I didn't let his hand get to mine as I flung up again.

"I believe I can, she always listens to me. Why is everything different now?"

"Your friend is in love with John. I've never met him before but the way you talk about him has sadly formed a bad image of him in my head. Give him a chance would you?"

Nathan was sounding persuasive and I could fall for it , but I strongly didn't want to this time.

"No, not a chance with my friend" I sat again.

"Okay, I give up. Do what you think is right ,but don't try anything stupid"
He said raising his hands.

I couldn't tell why, but something was different in his tone. He sounded angry and at the same time restless.

"Does this annoy you, Nathan? It's my friend we are talking about here" I asked searching his eyes.

He looked away.

"No , it doesn't. I mean I don't see why it should".

" You are lying. I can tell it." I frowned.

"Okay, yes it does annoy me slightly"he smiled at being caught.

" But why though?, you've never met John and Nma isn't your friend either " I asked sternly.

"Yes I know, but I'm placing us in their shoes, that's why it hurts"

"Why would you even do that?"

"Why not, that's the easiest way to relate with it Amara. We are both in love , imagine if Nma hates me as much as you hate John.."

"Nathan, for the last time I don't hate John"  I interrupted.

"Well, your actions and facial expressions when you talk about him says otherwise." He said in an almost raised voice.

I opened my mouth in awe. I knew I had something to say but the words couldn't form.

I closed my eyes as I shut my mouth.

"Hey Amara. Is there something you are not saying?" I heard his voice come again ,but this time it was closer.

I opened my eyes and found him in front of me. He held my hands and looked me in the eyes.

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