Part 73- Water

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°~ Amara's P.O.V °~

"I'm telling you, it's not getting funny anymore" my mum said with disgust on her face.

"They had also come few weeks after you relocated to this place , I forgot to tell you then" she added.

"Now it has become a regular thing in the past months" she said.

"Are you sure they wouldn't eventually find out this place" I questioned her as I tried sitting up with my stomach heavy and protruding.

I was scared and it was in my voice.
This would be a very wrong time for anyone to find out as my tummy was already out and heavy and I was almost due.

"No, I bet they wouldn't.
They really think I'm hiding you in my house and so they just badge in uninvited" she spoke angrily.

"The last time, I had to warn and can you imagine your mother-in-law raising her voice at me"

"We wouldn't even be here chasing after your running daughter if our son didn't ask us to. It's not like it's something we want to do" my mum mimicked Nathan's mother with so much scorn in her voice.

I just sighed.

"I guess Nathan's becoming worried" I voiced, my face falling.

That had become my new reaction anytime I talked about Nathan. It was more of worry and care than the anger I had initially felt towards him.

"It's February now, he should be out by May I think" I said almost in a whisper.

"I really don't know why they are looking for you, after all they had made you go through" mum said.

"They didn't make me go through anything Mum, I chose to because I loved Nathan.
And Father had always been good to me but his wife was the problem.
She was good sometimes and just hard to read at other times" I said cringing a bit as I spoke and tried to readjust my sitting position.

My mum looked at me in a way that said "what's this one talking about?"

I just smiled at her face as she looked away.

"You are indeed a child" she said kissing her teeth.

I kept cringing and moving in discomfort.

"What is it?" She asked concerned.

"I keep getting this pain " I said rubbing my stomach slowly.

"Is the baby moving?" She asked less concerned.

"Not yet" I answered as I took deep breaths.

She looked at me suspiciously as I continued complaining about the pain.

And then it came, the huge scream.

"Ah, is your baby coming?" My mum asked , as scared as I was.

"I think so mum"I managed to say while breathing deep.

"How do I get you to the hospital?, I can't even drive" she panicked.

"Call Tolani, or maybe a taxi" I screamed.

It surprised me how I managed to stay calm in it all for a first timer.

Or was it that the great deal of pain hadn't started yet.

I reached for my phone but dialing become a problem as I lost concentration.

Mum snatched it from me and called Tolani.

"What's happening?" She said rushing towards us as she walked in.

"You came at the right time " my mum said to her.

"She's having contractions, her baby is coming" she said.

"Go pack a bag while I take her to the car" she instructed Tolani who rushed right away.

I leaned on my mum's shoulder , struggling with each step as I moved.

She successfully put me in while we waited for Tolani.

She pacified me as she screamed at Tolani to hasten up.

She finally came rushing to the driver's seat.
The tension was real as she started the car hastily.

"I think my water just broke" I screamed.

Tolani turned to look at me , her eyes widened.

"What does that mean?!" She almost screamed as my mum held my hand and touched my forehead soothingly.

She blew on me from her mouth, but that air appeared insignificant as I was sweating more.

"Drive Tolani!" Mum screamed at the very confused lady in the driver's seat.

Have you ever been around a woman who is just about to give birth?

I have and that woman appeared to be the first and the strongest to me.

She was standing all alone , leaning on no one.

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