Part 61- Getting Even

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It was two months now since John's incident.
He had been convicted after he confessed guilty.
It was labeled "manslaughter" as his narration had implied.

He got 10 years.
What a short term compared to what my innocent Nathan had to go threw.

Even though I felt that shouldn't have been the case, at least he was out of our sight.

My birthday would be up in a week.

Age 47 it is! I thought.

I was here to see Nathan again.
If I get the chance, I would spend my entire birthday with him.

In just a short while, he would be out ,I assured myself.

The doors opened and I sat wearing my usual smile ,waiting for him to walk towards me.

He wasn't coming forth and my face fell.

An inmate was walking towards me and his face was quite expressionless.

"Hello" he said as he got to where I sat.

"Hello" I replied confused.

"You must be Amara" he said offering himself a seat.

"Yes I am , and you are ?" I asked trying to sound as polite as possible.

"I'm Kelvin, a friend to Nathan" he said with a still expressionless face.

"I think I've heard him call that name before" I said adjusting in my seat.

"Is anything wrong with Nathan? Why's he not here?" I asked in fear.

"Actually that's why I'm here. Nathan asked me to reach out to you" he said, his face falling.

"Is anything the matter, what happened to him? " I asked, my heart racing fast.

"He was involved in a serious fight, with a guy named Robin" he said looking at me.

"Oh my God! Robin?" I uttered ,as my eyes widened.

"How? Why?, When?" I stammered all at once.

"That was only yesterday. Robin has been on Nathan's neck for a long while now . He couldn't take it anymore and he did retaliate." He said.

"Retaliate? How, tell me what happened?" I questioned.

"They fought and Nathan injured Robin brutally" he added .

"How's that even possible? Nathan can't hurt a fly talk more of the Robin I saw" I said as tears were building up in my eyes.

He was silent.

"That's what happens when pent up anger gets out" he uttered maintaining his stare.

"Is he hurt, is that why he couldn't come?" I asked.

"No, he's alright . Just a few bruises"

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