Part 70- Mum knows.

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It's been two months since fainting and discovering that I was pregnant.

And yes, I decided to keep the baby too.
Not that I had overcome my fears yet, but I wanted to give it a try.

After I found out I was pregnant, I tried reaching out to Dami but he wouldn't answer.
I tried a few more times and then I quit.

A part of me really didn't want to let him know I had his baby growing inside me.
I didn't want to have to deal with baby daddy drama so after trying for a while, I let it go.

My pregnancy has been a secret for 2 months now and I hoped it would remain same.

But as they say," pregnancy cannot be hidden"
soon my tummy would begin to protrude , and everyone would know what I have been trying to hide.

What would become of me if my in-laws find out?
Only Tola knew this secret and I'm sure it's been with her.
I had increased her pay in other to keep her shut even though she had promised that she wasn't going to spill.

I needed to figure everything out before it gets too late.

If my in-laws find out, they would tell Nathan and I wondered what he would think of me.

Why did I still care so much about what he thought?

"Who's there?" I called out as I went to open the door.

I peeped through the hole and it was her, unexpected as usual.

"Mum?" I asked as I opened the door for her.

"Yes, why are you staring like you've seen a ghost?" She asked as she walked passed me inside.

"Where do you always keep your phone that you don't answer calls?" She asked turning back in between her steps to look at me.

"I ..I didn't know you called" I stammered as I locked the door.

"You didn't tell me you were coming mum?" I asked trying to smile.

"If Mohammed wouldn't come to the mountain, the mountain would come to him" she said.

"Haba!! Mummy" I exclaimed.

"Yes? Since Nathan left, tell me how many times you've come to visit me?" She said.

I didn't bother counting because I knew how good she was at exaggerating.

"If k don't call you , you wouldn't call" she uttered.

"What's with you and calls sef?" I said laughing jokingly.

She looked at me with slight disgust and looked away.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"Do you want to chase me already? Is it because you are hiding that fine man inside there?" She said blinking and smiling jokingly at me.

She didn't know this joke wasn't funny today.

"What's that his name again ?" She said trying to remember.

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