Part 66- The visitors

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It's been a 3 weeks since my birthday and since I last saw Nathan.

I wasn't joking when I said I wasn't going to set my eyes on him again, but at the same time, I couldn't help but think about him.

Each day, I thought about him and how he was doing.

But I couldn't bring myself to clear the thoughts that he might not be okay.

I wasn't going to go back there and watch him beg and say he's sorry only because I found out the truth.

I couldn't bring myself to ever believe that he could be truly sorry about what he did.

I walked to open the door where someone's knock had disturbed my thoughts.

"Good afternoon Mum" I greeted my unexpected visitor whose husband stood by her side.

"Good afternoon Dad" I greeted him as he nodded and walked past me into the house.

It was Nathan's parents.

They never really visited often, probably once a year since Nathan was jailed.

"Agatha" he called out to his wife who was behind him, like she had gone lost.

"How are you Amara?"he asked smiling like he was just realizing that I had greeted him.

"I'm good" I replied as I watched them sit.

" I wasn't expecting you both" I said trying to sound as polite as possible.

"Yes, that's true. We just thought it wise to come" his mum said with a faint smile.

"Or aren't we allowed to drop by?" She added.

"No no, you can always drop by " I said reaching for the remote to put something that they would enjoy watching.

"What should I get you?" I asked.

"Just water, we don't plan to stay long" his Mum said.

"Okay" I muttered as I went to the kitchen.

Why did they come? I kept questioning in my head.

I walked in with the water and sat with a smile on my face.

Smile filled with uncertainty and suspicion.

"I know you must be wondering why we are here" Nathan's father spoke as though he read my thoughts.

I watched him gulp in the water before he continued.

"We went to see our son yesterday" he said.

So it was about Nathan?

Oh I see.

"He told us what happened between the both of you. He said you are angry with him and you didn't give him a chance to explain or apologize" he said looking at me.

"I know Nathan lied to you, but he also lied to us as well. All these years, we believed a lie." He spoke.

"But Amara, we can't let all these years slide over a single lie? The deed has been done and soon enough he would be out. Forgive him and let's all move past all these drama" he pleaded.

"Nathan made a mistake. He should have come out clean from the start. But I understand his fears as his mother , and I know what ever he did, was for your own good"his wife spoke.

Was she defending her son?

I wanted to ask how it was for my own good , but I turned quiet as I kept staring blankly at her.

"Please my daughter, forgive him. He is not himself anymore. He sent us here to you and I hope you get to see that he is indeed sorry" He spoke.

I didn't even know that I had tears in my eyes until they fell off.

I wanted to speak , but what was I to say?

"What your son did to me was unfair. He would have just told me from the start. What was the point of it all?
Is he not apologizing because I found out?
All these years, he never felt sorry nor did he feel the need to tell me" I cried.

"I know he did bad, but he is still your husband" she said.

"And I am his wife!, the more reason why he shouldn't have done that" I was screaming.

He looked at his wife and back to me, but I wasn't looking at him.

We were all silent, maybe they were waiting for me to speak.

"I really need time. Give me some time to process everything. For the meantime, I have to remain far away from him.
This anger and pain I feel is justified and I'm not ready to let it go, at least not now." I spoke sniffing afterwards.

They were quiet for a while.

"Okay" she muttered as she tapped her husband who appeared lost in his thoughts.

"It's fine, we would be going now" he said as he stood with his wife after him.

"You really need to see him , at least one more time. Give him a chance to explain it all" he said looking me in the eyes as he walked out afterwards.

I cried after they had left, not willing to consider anything they had said.

I felt hurt now than ever!!


   Why do you think she still finds it hard to forgive this mistake Nathan made?💔🤧

MY YEARS WITHOUT YOUOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora