Part 65- Age 47

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°~ Dami's P.O.V °~

I reached for her with my eyes still closed, hoping to wake her with my kisses.

She wasn't there.

"Don't forget to pick your kids and lock up my house" I read out loud the note I had found on the  spot she previously lay.

"Seriously?" I said smirking.

I sat up with the sheets still wrapped over me.

"Amara" I called out slowly smiling to myself.

Much as a part of me was very worried about how she was last night, I was happy that she felt the same way towards me.

This was a sign ,I thought.

A sign that she was beginning to fall slowly in love for me.

I had hope therefore that things would get better between us in the coming days .

I got dressed and drove to pick my kids as thoughts of the previous night couldn't leave my head as I drove.

        *.           *.             *.            *.           *.

"Hey" I called out smiling as I walked into her office.

"Hey" she said smiling sparsely.

"I got you something" I said offering her the gift box.

"I'm sure you didn't forget your birthday ,did you?" I asked .

She shook her head and laughed.

She was avoiding my eyes and when I sensed it , I smiled deep.

I walked to where she sat and kissed her softly.
It was cold, she didn't kiss me back, but she closed her eyes in reception.

"Happy birthday dear" I said when I left her chin.

She smiled as she stared at me.

I went back to my seat and watched her pretend to be busy.

She wasn't saying much, even though I knew she wanted to say a lot.

I kept watching her and she wasn't looking at me.

"You left real early this morning" I said.

"Yeah, I had work to catch up with" she said .

"Why didn't you wake me?" I asked.

"Didn't want to wake the sleeping lion" she said without looking at me.

I smiled and watched her as she kept writing.

"About last night..."I managed to say before she cut me short.

"Can we not?" She said stopping all she was doing and staring at me.

Her face was expressionless.

"My bad" I muttered raising my hands in the air.

She looked up from her book to me and continued writing.

I shook my head as I saw her smile.

"How about I give you a birthday treat today?" I said.

"That's if you don't have something planned already" I added.

She hesitated and finally spoke.

"I have work Dami"

"Even tonight?" I asked.

"Com'on , it's your day Amara . Allow me give you a treat" I tried to sound persuasive.

She was silent as she stared blankly at me.

"Please" I begged reaching for her hand this time.

She watched me hold her as she muttered an "okay" with a faint smile.

"I would leave you to work then" I said

"8 would be fine?" I asked.

She nodded with a smile.

I smiled back as I walked towards her again.

I made to kiss her , but she drew her face away slowly.

I smiled and let her go as she avoided my eyes.

"Very unpredictable" I thought.

"I would pick you up" I muttered smiling at her as she said "Bye".

I walked out of her office and thoughts of how I had fallen in love all over again with Amara filled my mind.

I loved her and I wanted to make her mine already.


      Damilare has fallen in love with Amara.
Who else wants them to end up together?

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