Part 41-Meeting again

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"Hey Babe, you got me really worried.
You didn't visit in the last 3 weeks, what happened?
Did I do something wrong?"
Nathan said as he sat down opposite me.

He was really worried and I could see it.
He wasn't wrong, I hadn't been keeping to visits because I was grieving.

"I'm sorry if I said something that might have made you angry the last time" he said seeing that I wasn't going to respond.

"What's wrong?
You are not talking to me and you look pale. Are you okay?" He asked again,noticing my sad and lean look.

I was still not looking at him.
He held my chin and raised my face up to look at him.

"Amara talk to me, what's wrong?" He asked calmly reaching for my hand.

I began to cry and he wiped my eyes slowly.
I could feel his uncertainty and fear.

I knew a lot of things were on his mind at that point, but he could never guess right.

"I lost Nma" I said finally looking up to meet his eyes.

"You both are no longer friends?
A quarrel or fight?" He asked unsure.

"I wish it was that.
Nma's dead" I said sobbing.

He withdrew from me as he covered his mouth with his hands.

I could understand his reaction because he knew how much Nma meant to me and how saddening this news was.

He was silent as he starred in my direction.

"What happened?" He finally asked.

I shook my head and sniffed in as I narrated everything to him.

"Wait, she was pregnant?" He asked in shock.

"Yes ,she was"

"But you came with her to visit me last 2 months, I didn't notice her tummy" he said shocked.

"It was only 3months then"

He was silent again.

"So you mean they haven't found John yet?"

I shook my head.

"And I swear, if they eventually find him, I would strangle him with my own hands .
I don't care if I go to jail for it" I sobbed.

Nathan held my hands again.

"Please don't say that. You wouldn't do such a thing Amara"

"I would, I would make sure I hurt him so so much. I would hurt him as much as he hurt Nma" I retorted.

"I just wish I had done some things differently. I should have made sure she left him.
I should have made sure she saw reasons with me not to be with that beast" I cried.

He was silent as I cried.

"You really think he did it?"Nath asked with an arched brow.

I looked at him in disbelief.

" you think he didn't? " I asked angrily.

He withdrew from me.

"I..I mean , you can't tell yet"he stammered shrugging.

" How then do you explain why he is on the run?
He has been absent for a month now.
No one has heard from him.
I'm not sure he is still in the state."

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