Part 71- Staying Hidden

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It took a whole month before Tola and I could find a good place for me.

It was in Odure still, but in the outskirts of town.
This was in order to avoid bumping into someone I know when I'm not ready to give explanations.

The environment was pretty basic, and the house itself wasn't that bad.

I didn't expect it to be as big as Nathan's though, but it was big enough for me alone.

My tummy was constantly growing and for a 3 months old belly, it was obvious when I wore fitted gowns.

I stopped going to work after relocating and Tola my accomplice gave the right excuses for my absence.

I did make sure I made it obvious that she would now be in charge at the office.

She brought complicated designs and decisions to me back at home for me to make.

It didn't feel good remaining inactive for a long while, but I didn't mind since it was for my own interest.

Tola was very helpful, asides from being a nice company, she made my needs available.

As my months and belly increase, so did my laziness and cravings  increase.
I munched on just anything!.

I knew what it was to be pregnant but it didn't last this long before.

Soon enough, Ola and Oge got to know about my condition.
From mum ofcourse!.
They would drop by to visit and sleep over when possible.

At first I wasn't comfortable with the fact that the circle of people knowing was increasing.
Especially given that Oge's husband Tochi was a distant relative of Nathan.

She promised to keep it all a secret though and I had to trust that she would.

I loved that I wasn't going through it all alone.
I liked that my family was with me on this one.

The experience was beautiful and I wanted to have more of it.

But I didn't like one thing.

The fact that I had to remain hidden until the baby gets out.

I had to hide from two people,

Damilare, and my in-laws.

How long would you remain hidden Amara?🤧🤧

I'm just asking🤷

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