Part 18- Unacceptable💔

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Nathan's POV

She kept saying she was okay each time I called. I knew that was a lie.

I could tell she was just trying to make me feel okay ,but I wasn't.

I tried every convincing thing I could think of.

Yesterday's events couldn't leave my mind.

Mum humiliated Amara and at the same time played the victim.

In it all, I expected my Dad to say something but he didn't.
Instead, he sat still and chose not to utter a word.

"Do you by chance have any children from just anywhere?" I remembered her ask with an expressionless look.

"Mum that's enough already!!" my deep voice resonated as I banged the table unconsciously.

"That's enough" I said again looking at dad.

Amara was startled and looked at nothing else but her plate.

I reached for her hand again and she looked at me.

That was the saddest I had seen her since her dad's death.

But mum was not relenting.

"We just have to know what we have to know. I mean , we don't want illegitimate children . Do we?" She asked looking at my Dad.

"Now that's enough Agatha" Dad finally said.

She rolled her eyes at him and turned to look at Amara , whose eyes were down.

"Can we all just get back to eating?, let's not spoil this moment please" he continued.

"It's already been spoilt, matter of fact I've lost my appetite" I said standing up and dragging an uncertain Amara with me.

They didn't call after us, they let us go ,at least that felt like a more humane thing to do.

"Why didn't you say anything?, why did you let her humiliate you?" a sad me asked her when we got to the car.

"Oh really? You want to put all this on me. It was your mum, your mum Nath! I didn't want to look worse than she already thinks I am" she said between tears.

She had let loose all the tears she had been holding back inside.

I was quiet, I tried to reach for her hand but she drew away from me,she didn't want me close.

"This was a bad idea really. You promised me that it was going to be okay."

"I couldn't tell the future Amara"

" then why promise?, why promise what you are unsure of?" she said.
Her eyes were teary and her voice unclear.

" Hey babe, you are angry because of my mum , I know it and I'm sorry on her behalf"

"It's not just your mum but you too. You didn't even defend me. It almost felt like you wanted to get an answer to those accusations...."

"Really? Now that's insensitive!" I barked.

"No, you are insensitive and so is your mum too" she cried aloud.

I opened my mouth but still no words, I tried to come closer but she was avoiding me like a plague.

"You know what? Just take me back to Odure please. I need to get to somewhere less toxic" she said as she entered the car.

I stood outside for a while confused. I looked towards the house and I saw my mum with her hands folded over her chest.

I was sure she saw the drama that hand just unfolded.

I gave her a stern look but she didn't shake.

She was my mum by the way, did I expect her to be scared?

I entered the car and drove off.

I couldn't bring myself to look at Amara. I was scared of her sadness, one which she had just made me feel guilty of.

Our journey back to Odure was silent, like a huge wall had grown between Amara and I.

"I don't like how you left yesterday, you would have at least slept over" she said over the phone when she called.

"Really? So you can taunt my wife further?" I raised my voice not minding it was my mother.

"She is not your wife until we say she is"

I opened my mouth to form words but the growing anger held them back.

" there's nothing to be angry about, you are just fuming over nothing. Those questions are the right things to ask. We don't want you carrying a baggage around in the name of a wife...."

"Mum stop it!! It's enough what you did at the house yesterday, I wouldn't have you insult her further...."

"Shut your mouth!!! What do you know about life? You would have as well brought a 50 year old woman home since your eyes see only older women. I got married at 20, and that was why I was able to have you and your sisters...."

"I bet you couldn't tell her age until she told you. What's all this about? Isn't age just a number?"

"I hope you would remember that age is just a number when you start running about because she can't bear you children. I just hope you remember"

" I..I can't believe you Mum. Where's all these stupid knowledge from. Really?" I stammered in anger.

" yes I agree I'm stupid, but I know you know I'm speaking the truth. I've lived longer than you have , and son, no matter how much you try, you can't see more than I've seen"

"I'm an adult just in case you've forgotten and whoever I wish to marry is my choice. It's either Amara or it's no one else" I shouted as I ended the call in anger.

Why? Why was she getting all worked up about this.

She has always been on my neck about marriage and now I'm ready, she's opposing.

It was all getting me scared.

Knowing Amara, she wasn't prepared for this stress. She's never been the trouble type and I hoped this doesn't change her.

I need to prove how much I love and care for her, I could gain her more or loose her to someone else.

I need your thoughts .

What do you think Nathan should have done differently?

Do you think he defended her enough?

What about Amara , what should she have done or said in such scenario?

Your comments please👇👇

See y'all later😘

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