Part 54- A House

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To my new followers and to all those who added my book to their reading lists.
Thank you💕💕.

~Amara's POV~

"12:20 already, once in this office, the time just begins to go so fast" I said to myself looking away from the clock.

There was a knock on the door and Tola, my assistant walked in.

"You came just in time" I sighed in relief.

"Have the materials been delivered yet ?" I asked her.

"Not yet, he said he would deliver by 2pm  today"

"But why the delay though?" I asked, not expecting a reply.

"I haven't had the opportunity to check out the designs yet, and the tailors too" I face palmed.

"You don't have to be worried ma, the tailors are doing well, but then there are a few designs I would want you to take a look at" she said making to hand her tablet to me.

"No, not now Tola" I said.

"I need to go for my lunch break , probably when I'm back or tomorrow. It's not urgent is it?" I asked with raised brows.

"Not really" she said as she turned to leave.

"And ma'am, Mr.Dami is here to see you?" She smiled.

"Dami? He didn't tell me he would be coming. Let him in though" I said putting a few items into my purse.

"Okay" she said leaving.

"Really, Dami" I said slowly.

"Hey Amara" he said smiling as he walked in.

"You didn't say you were coming" I replied.

"I'm sorry, I felt  I had come just in time to take you to lunch " he said sitting down.

" Really?
So you know when I take breaks now huh?" I asked smiling.

He nodded.

"What are you really here for ?" I asked suspiciously.

"You don't believe I'm here just to take you out?" He smirked.

I shrugged as I took my purse in hand.

"Damilare" I called out slowly as I walked past where he sat.

"Hmmm, I like it when you call my name in full" he said slowly reaching for my hand as I walked past him .

I halted and stared at him as he smiled.

"Let me take you for lunch" he said fondling with my hand.

I freed my hand gently as I walked to the door.

"Come with me if you wish" I said as I opened it.

It didn't take long before I heard his footsteps behind me.

"You walk so fast" he said trying to keep up.

"Don't come here too often" I said.

"Why not?" He asked .

I halted in my steps.

"I don't want my staff getting a wrong idea about us"I said firmly.

"What idea could they possibly get?" He tried to sound ignorant.

"Dami, I'm serious" I said feigning a frown.

"You look very beautiful when you look that way" he said reaching for a strand of hair blocking my eyes.

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