Part 48- Ghosts & Hallucinations👻💀

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Danny went back to doing his homework after having greeted me, but Cynthia hung around for a while until her grandma scolded her to go finish hers.

They had become so used to me and even though I wanted them to see me as a mother figure, I knew it was far fetched.

"Amara, how are you doing?" Nma's mother asked as she settled into a seat.
She smiled at me.

Yes, we both talked over the phone and met a few times when Nma was still alive, but we never really had the chance to bond like we have done when Nma died.
She looked pale and at the same time tired.

"I'm fine , How are you doing? You don't look so good to me?"I asked searching her eyes.

"I don't feel really good, but I would be fine"

"Sorry"I said slowly

"Is Dad around?" I asked

"No, they are still on the John issue"she said like she was already tired of the whole thing.

"I've told him to let it be, let God fight for the innocent. This man is question might not even be in the country. My husband is wasting money unnecessarily on this police issue. They would just spend the money and not do anything about it " she sighed.

I wanted to tell her that it was better to fight than not to do so, but I knew better to be quiet.

"Mummy, it's his daughter in this case. It pains him that a fellow man could do such a thing to his child" I said

"She's my daughter too. But I want you to understand that no matter what ,she wouldn't come back to life. He should save for the rainy day, we all have to move on from Nma. Or else, we would wake up in the coming years and find ourselves still crawling."

I looked at her and I could feel the conviction in her voice.

If her mother could get over this so easily, who was I not to?

I wanted to say something, but I didn't know what to say so I kept mute.

The silence was almost engulfing us when she finally broke in.

"Did you feel she knew she would die?" She asked me.

I stared blankly at her, not knowing what to say. I stammered but still couldn't give a reply.

She looked away from me and smiled.
"She knew she was going to" she said slowly.

I don't know but for some reason , I wasn't so surprised.

"She just didn't know when". she added.

"She put them in my care , and said I should care for them like I did her. I just didn't read deeper meaning into it."

My eyes didn't break from her.

"I see Nma in my dreams. It might sound superstitious or so, but it's true. To me, it feels like she's still alive, so now I don't find reasons to mourn."

"You see her,? Do you talk?"

She smiled and nodded. "We do"

"About what?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Just anything" she said relaxing deeper into her chair.

My eyes narrowed as I stared at her in doubt. If there was anything I knew, it was that hallucinations could be a sign of mental  retardation. I became scared.

"I should stop here before you begin to think I'm crazy" she said smiling.

I smiled to. "I would like some water"

"Cynthia!!" she called out.

Soon, she came in with a bottle of cold water and handed it over to me.

"Aunty Amara, you said I can come and stay with you whenever I want" she said after I had taken a gulp.

I looked to her grandma and back at her,
"Oh yes, I said that. You can come during the holidays ,not now" I smiled.

She muttered an okay as she went back inside.

"It wouldn't be hard to let them stay with you" she said.

"Then why not?" I asked.

"He feels anywhere outside this house is unsafe for them" she said.

"He knows that John would come back one day for these children , either in shame or to steal them away. Either way, he wants them to be here when it happens"

"It's not because we feel you can't fend for them, we know you can. But it's just the safety"

"I fully understand you Ma"

We were silent.

"You really are a good friend Amara"

"I know Nma would have done more, she always had my back"

She smiled.

"You deserve better,you surely do"

"Thank you Ma".

"Can I ask you something?" She asked looking at me.

"Sure you can" I was eager to know to.

"Was it hard to come by another man?"

"How do you mean?"

"Did any man come for you while your husband was away?" She cleared.

I paused staring at her as I wondered why she asked.

"I..I. never really paid attention to them" I stammered.

"Why not?"

I looked at her surprised.

"I have an obligation to my husband"I sounded defensive.

"Or maybe you never really found someone you loved" she said looking away.

"How do you mean?" I asked.

"Let's not go deeper, I believe you know better" she said waving the topic off.

Really? Was this woman seriously going to leave me pondering on her words?
Why bring up a topic like this and then wave it off?

I looked at her from my eyes side and her attention was on the T.V.

Her plan worked, she left me pondering on those words until  I eventually left.

      Do you believe in dreams and ghosts?
If yes, give your reasons.
And I would like to hear your story too if you've really seen a ghost.

Back to the story, Do you think the grandma was making sense in all she said about Nma and in the question she asked Amara?🤔🤔

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