Part 55-Silence

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Hey guys,
Welcome back☺🙃😍.

Amara's POV

He raised my chin up as he starred continuously at me.
Dami's eyes read something different. He drew closer but I could see fear and the uncertainty in his eyes.

I freed from his grip and avoided his eyes like a plague.

He slid his hand in his pocket and touched his neck slightly as he looked away from a confused me.

'I'm really sorry about that' he said breaking the silence.

I looked at him and he looked away.

'I should get back to work now' I nodded as I spoke.

' Oh yeah, sure' he stammered as he led the way out.

We were silent until we got to his car.

There was nothing I hated more than awkward moments and this one, was very awkward!

Say something Dami!! I screamed in my head. The silence was killing me.
It was as though we were still living in the last moment.

'what would you do when you get back?' he finally spoke after a long wait.

'I would probably just attend to a few things and close up.  I wouldn't be closing late today' I said not recognizing my voice.

"Any special reasons?" He asked looking away from the road.

" Nothing , I just feel like it" I said.

"Okay" he muttered.

" Maybe I could come pick you up when you are done if you don't mind?" He offered.

'i'm fine. I would drive" I answered looking at him.

The rest of the journey was quiet after that.

My office seemed to be moving farther each time I thought we were approaching.

I stole glances at him and he seemed like he had a lot to say.

We got to my office and I hurried off before he could say anything about his failed attempt at kissing me.

I knew he was watching me leave and I wondered how funny my scurry looked.

I locked my door when I got to my office as I made for my chair.

A deep breath and thoughts followed afterwards.

Dami tried to kiss me!
This meant he was becoming really attracted to me.

Wasn't it expected? My inner man questioned.

I knew we had something in the past, but I didn't know it would count now.

What was I doing? Why did I even let him come so close to me?.

Did a part of me want him too?

I didn't want our friendship to end and I knew it was going to become weird now unless we can both get through the fact that we almost got intimate.


My mind went to the last time we saw and how passionately he kissed me.

I couldn't stop judging myself for letting another man hold me in the way that only Nath has held me.

I couldn't stop thinking that a part of me really wanted Dami to kiss me.

What was I doing?

Maybe I should end it all already and just tell Dami the entire truth.
At least that would stop him from thinking that I'm available.

I reached for my phone to put an end to it all.

Just then, he called.

'Hey' I said.

'Hey ' he replied.

"You are good? " He asked

'yeah' I replied.

We were silent.

"Amara, I'm sorry about earlier today.
I don't know what came over me, but I know I've been having those thoughts sitting in my head" he poured out.

"I'm sorry if I misinterpreted your actions towards me, I was thinking we both shared a mutual feeling" he added.

" I know it was weird, I'm sorry about that."

'i hope you don't see me differently now?" He asked slowly.

I was silent.

"Amara?" He called out.

"We are good Dami" I said.

"I don't want you acting differently around me. I promise it wouldn't happen again if you don't want it to" he said.

"If I don't want it to? So it's all on me now." I said.

"Com'on, you Know what I mean Amara"

"Yes , I do" I uttered.

We turned quiet.

'You have anything to say to me?" He asked breaking the silence.

I think this is the right time to do so. I opened my mouth and then a deep breath afterwards.

' Nothing' I said

"Sure?" He asked.

I nodded like he could see me " yeah'

"Take care then, Bye" he hung up.

I still couldn't get myself to say it to him.
Was I beginning to like Dami or did I just feel the future might hold something in store for us.

Was I to just play along with him and see where this gets us, maybe explore our relationship?

What's all these crazy thoughts all about?

What happens to Nathan?

This and many more thoughts ran through my head.

"I don't think I can do this" I face palmed in disappointment.

        Let's see where all these secrecy gets us to at the end.

Is Amara planning to play along with Dami's feelings?🤔

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