Part 50- No strings🎗

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I know I failed to keep to my promise of 9pm the other day, please bear with me🙏.

~Amara's P.O.V.

"I still don't see why you should be throwing such a large party for a kid" I said dropping the bottle of wine on the side table.

"I mean isn't it a seven year old we are talking about here?" I continued quite amazed.

"It's not as large as you are making it sound" he chuckled.

"Okay, maybe I didn't present it well. It would just have children around and maybe a few adult friends too" he continued.

I was silent.

"Why do you find the need to do this? I mean , all kids get excited when they see a cake, that should be enough" I shrugged.

He looked at me and smiled.

"I haven't really celebrated my kids since I lost my wife" he looked at me.

I starred and opened my mouth to say something but , no words.

"I see" I muttered slowly.

"Yeah. That's why I'm talking about this. It's not large, it's going to be small with a few guests. And indoor too" he said sipping from his glass.

"I still don't understand why I need to come into the picture" I starred at him.

"What have I been explaining since?" He asked amazed.

"Nothing" I looked more confused.

"I just need you to help me with the planning" he said.

"Ahah, what's there to plan?. Isn't it just cake and wine?" I asked.

He laughed.

"Not just that. There would be music, food, snacks and gifts too"

"But the last time I checked, I'm not an event planner"

"Yes I know, but I feel we can do this together" he said smiling.

"Look Dami, I don't know why you want me to do this with you. It's not a big deal. You can always do it yourself or get an event planner if you think it would be hard to pull through"

He face palmed.

"Please Amara" he said slowly.

"I would think about it" I rolled my eyes at him.

"I never thought you would be this hard to convince"he laughed.

I was quiet and smiled inside my cup as I sipped again.

" And, I'm sorry I came without telling you. I called but you weren't picking up. I know it wasn't courteous and I'm sorry"

"Yeah,it's okay. I was only surprised.
I could do with some company anyway"

"But then, do you always stay here alone? How about friends and family?" He asked worried.

"My friend is dead" I said bluntly.

His eyes narrowed.
"I'm sorry about that, but was it just one friend?"

That question only made me realize that it was actually only Nma. I just had casual friendships with others but with her, it was something deeper.

"No other friends"

"Can I be considered a friend now?" He asked smiling at me.

"Yes of course you are. We are friends" I smiled back.

"And nothing more." I added.

He laughed
"Why did you feel the need to add that?"

"Nothing, just to get you cleared in case you are having crazy ideas already. I am too old for that"

He laughed again.

"You think I'm having crazy ideas. In fact what does crazy ideas mean?"

"Stop it Dami, I can see you just want to put words in my mouth" I laughed.

"I know what you mean. But it wouldn't be wrong to get crazy ideas"he said with a serious look.

I looked at him sharply and adjusted in my seat.

" and you are not too old for that. Love can come at any age" he said sitting up.

"Yeah, that's what they say. But they never tell you how hard it is" I muttered.

"What did you say?" He asked looking at me.

"Nothing" I smiled.

He looked away and continued.

"I like that you see me as a friend. No strings attached too"

"Yes no strings" I smiled.

We were silent and concentrated on the T.V

"But seriously, you shouldn't be staying here all alone. Get a family member or something. You would get so bored and lonely if you keep staying here alone" he warned.

"I've gotten quite used to it, I love my space"

"No you don't" he came back.

I starred at him , wondering why he was so worked up about it.

"I've been here alone for long already and nothing has happened okay?"I replied.

He was silent.

" I would get going now, do think about what I said though. Help me make a great day for my kid" he smiled.

I smiled too as I walked him to the door.

I watched him go and I walked back into my quiet house.

"No strings attached" I said slowly to myself.

Another chapter coming up💞

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