part 6- the date continued..

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   I just smiled , fixing my gaze at him.

He drew back and relaxed more into his chair as his face bore a questioning expression and his brows arched.

' well ,I'm not in anything serious' I smiled.

'Why did you have to make me deal with all the suspense?' he smiled.

'I didn't know I did that'

He went silent and then asked.
'Why not though?'

'I guess finding the right person is a full time job and I'm employed somewhere else."

He laughed at that.

'I think you are wrong. It depends on what you define as the right one' he said indicating quotes in the air.

'I can't even tell. I've not thought that deep. Maybe I have to get my choices fixed first. I don't know what I should be looking for in a man ,asides the usual good and caring. I feel I might want more than that too'

'Indecisive right?' He asked concerned.

'I think I am' I replied slowly.

'I feel you. Maybe that should be considered normal. Just search for a Mr. Right who isn't perfect'

'Yeah, I wouldn't find a perfect one for sure. I just wouldn't settle for less at the end'

'You shouldn't ,you deserve way more' he smiled as he looked at me.

'Thank you' I mouthed.

' It's all right , just take your time and figure things out for yourself'

'I don't think I have time though' I said in whispers.

'Why's that?' He asked bending slightly to catch my eyes which were looking downwards.

I raised my head and my eyes widened unconsciously.
I didn't think he would hear me.

'Well, I'm not getting any younger' I said avoiding his eyes as I reached for my drink.

'Nor am I' he shrugged.

I starred at him and asked 'How old are you?'

"I'm 35,but I could go for 20' he said proudly as he laughed at the expression on my face.

'Wow . Maybe not 20 but you don't look 35 to me' I was amazed.

Nathan looked way younger. Anyway I think it's a thing with men generally. They are just lucky.

'So how old are you?'

I paused in my drink.  He was smiling but didn't take his gaze away. He mouthed a 'what' and I smiled in return.

'Never heard you shouldn't ask a lady....'

'That's crap' he interrupted with laughter as he waved it off with his hands.

I laughed too.

'I sure do have deceptive looks. I'm 33 this year' I said proudly.

His eyes widened as he drew closer.

'Now that's an age, you could go for 26 you know?' He smiled while bearing a surprised look.

'I wouldn't say your looks are deceptive though. I would say you look beautiful'

I almost whispered the thank you.

'So tell me, what do you do?' I asked

I couldn't help but notice he always started out with a smile.

'I'm into trading generally. Basically import and export.'

'What do you trade on?'

'It ranges from spare parts to food stuffs and gadgets. It all depends on what's with a higher profit margin in a period of time'

MY YEARS WITHOUT YOUWhere stories live. Discover now