Part 63- Betrayed

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°~Nathan's P.O.V °~

"That son of a bitch!!" I cursed endlessly on getting to my cell.

How else could she have found out if it wasn't through him?

Why now, when everything has almost come to an end?!

My heart was pained as I sat on the floor with my hands on my head.

I felt helpless as I wanted to beg more but she walked away.

I had never seen Amara so angry before.
And now I have, it was all because of me.

I hoped she would look past all this and forgive me.

I didn't think this truth would hurt her like this, maybe I was selfish.

"That son of a bitch!" I cursed again from clenched teeth.

Rage filled my eyes and whatever Kevin's reason was, I wanted to deal with him for this.

I waited till it was time for labour.
As we came out of our various cells, my eyes searched for Kelvin.
I didn't care about the wardens, I just wanted to get to him.

There he was , looking all innocent,like he hadn't just ruined my life.

I left my portion and went over to where he was, landing a heavy blow on his face as I got to him.

"You son of a bitch!!" I screamed ,holding him tight about to land a second blow.

I was held back by the other inmates who were obviously surprised because they knew how close we were.

"Why did you do this? You betrayed me!" I shouted while he struggled with the pain from the first blow.

He knew what I was talking about and so I didn't expect him to act surprised.

"I couldn't keep lies for so long" he uttered.

I made for him, but I was restrained.

"I shouldn't have sent you to her, I thought we were friends you fool!" I cursed.

He spat out blood.

"Friends?, You want to educate me about friendship?" He asked raging up.

"Did you think about friendship when you gave me away to Robin and his clique? When you watched them beat me up and you did nothing?" He asked his eyes turning red.

"Is that what this is about?" I asked surprised.

"Yes, it's about this and many more Nathan!" He screamed to my face.

"I got into trouble all because of you and you  stand here and talk to me about friendship"  He said trying to break free from their grip.

I was muted by surprise and disbelief.
My eyes turned red and the tears wanted to find a way out, but I held it in.

So that's what all this was about.
Kelvin wanted to get even with me!

I looked at him and my rage fell.

"Get your hands off me!" I shouted as I broke free from their grip and walked out in anger.

It was all a misunderstanding.
Kevin's insinuations were all wrong.

This was what happened.

Kelvin was usually assigned to the kitchen to assist.
On one of those days, he found Cocaine wraps in one of the grocery bags.

He reported to the chief warden who confiscated the wraps and went on to investigate how it's being brought in.

Kelvin told me all these and I happened to be the only one he told.

When the investigation was done, the source was found and it was from a warden who secretly worked  with Robin.

The warden was sacked and so no Cocaine could come in any more and Robin was at a loss because he couldn't make sales.

So he was bent on finding who leaked his secret.

He got to find out it was Kelvin , I don't know how,but he did.

And believe me when I say Kelvin was dealt with. In the worst ways ever.

I couldn't do anything, what did he expect me to do, Robin was the boss around here.
I was so helpless.

Now Kelvin thought I was the one that gave him out in that way.

I didn't!!
I don't know how Robin  found out, but It wasn't through me.

He never spoke up either, never told me that he was suspecting me.

He never gave me a clue that he was carrying a grudge.

I didn't get the chance to clarify myself because I felt everything was okay between us.

Everything went on fine between us, like we  were friends still.

And now this!!.

"I'm ruined!" I said in pain as I stared in his direction.

He was looking at me too and his eyes read:

"I'm sorry man, but I couldn't let that deed slide" .

Have you ever tried revenge before?

If yes, what does it feel like?

New chapter coming soon🧡

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