Part 11-Gone 🚶🚶🚶

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"No, please don't say that!!!" I screamed as my eyes teared up and my voice became shaky.

"No this can't happen, it can't just..." I couldn't complete it as hot tears fell from my eyes.

My phone fell from my hands to the bed as I sat still in shock.

"Nooo!!!" I screamed out loud as the new reality struck me.

I drew my pillow closer and held it so tight as I wept. I never knew tears could come out so hot.

Just then, Nathan was calling. It was evening and as I thought, he wanted to come over.

"Hey Amara, I would be with you soon"

I was quiet.

"Did you hear me? Are you okay?"

And just then, I broke into tears again.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked , his voice as calm as ever. I knew he was growing worried already.

"Nathan, My Dad is dead" my voice came out shaky and the tears were new.

"That can't be" he screamed in shock too. I could feel it in his voice.

"It's true Nathan, it's true. My Dad is gone. He's left me" I screamed those last words.

"Hey amara,please calm down. Stay put and don't do anything crazy, I'm coming over right now. Please don't do anything crazy I beg of you. I would be there soon"

I couldn't bring myself to accept what had just happened. I couldn't.

He can't be dead. He was healthy yesterday when I left, how can he be dead? Wasn't it just malaria?

"Dad just tell me you are not dead" I cried more and more.

I picked up my phone and tried calling Oge again. She was the one who shared the news to me and she didn't sound okay herself. Her line wasn't reachable.

I didn't want to call my mum, hearing her teary voice over the phone would break me.

I wanted to call Nma too, but then she left for Lagos in the morning and we had just spoken before this news.

I couldn't bring myself to call her to share such bad news,at least not now.

I sat on my bed , full of regrets. If I had known yesterday would be the last time I would see Dad, I would have hugged him tighter and told him how much I loved him.

He didn't even live to see me get married or see my children.

Why did he have to make us feel he was recovering when he wasn't?

I couldn't wait to go back to Arta and see things for myself.

I began crying all over again. This time my voice was louder.

The pillow which I cuddled grew wet with tears.

     When I opened the door, I saw him standing there helpless and seemingly confused about what to do.

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