13. Necklace

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You lay on your back reading a book while Jungkook played his umpteenth round of Mario Kart by himself. You had agreed with him and played first but it eventually got boring, so you started on a book you'd forgotten to take with you on honeymoon.

"Dude I'm bored." You remarked when you heard a whoop of joy from him. "Aren't you going to go home?" His presence actually was kind of annoying, especially since he was playing video games, a thing you'd long since lost interest in.

"Do your homework then, I'm too bored to go home."

"Shit you had to remind me..." You plodded off to your trunk and pulled out your books. He was right, you had a lot of work built up.

Jungkook showed up at the door of your room by the time you got the table set. 

"Do you need any help?" He grabbed your textbook and flipped through the pages.

"Oh I don't know... Maybe much help?"

And Jungkook ended up assisting to you to do your homework and studying. Turned out he knows a lot about business management, which wasn't a surprise really since he worked as a hotel manager.

You yawned, stomach grumbling. Jungkook was proofreading one of your essays sitting on your bed. 

"I'm hungry too," Jungkook replied to the grumble of your stomach. "Why don't we make something to eat?"

You let out a whoop of laughter. He was kidding right? He knew perfectly well how you sucked at cookery, how could he even assume you would try?

"It's worth a little fun." Jungkook grinned.


You never thought you'd end up at a grocery store, in a mall... With Jungkook. When you searched for some ingredients to dish up something edible (and hopefully not as bad enough to get either of you sick) you realised that your fridge was empty. 

Even though you asked to go the easier way, going home and eating something cooked by his chefs, but he refused, insisting on buying raw ingredients.

"Why a mall though? We could've gone to a supermarket." Everything you saw for a mile or so around was expensive and upmarket.

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