Chapter 24

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Ndabezinhle was in the mall , taking a stroll around when she bumped into her ex-husband walking with a girl holding hands and it was clear as the sky in a sunny day that they were an item. She tried ignoring them and walked pass but they stopped her by grabbing her hand.

Neill : "Hey there wifey."  He and the girl he's with had smirks on their faces. Ndabe rolled her eyes.

Ndabe : "Don't you mean EX?" 

Neill : "Oh look at that she's smart."  They laughed at her.

Ndabe : "Neill. Just say whatever you want to say and stay the fucken hell away from me!"  They laugh.

Neill : "I'd like to do an introduction." 

Ndabe : "Just get it over and done with so I can leave man , y'all are suffocating me."  They laugh at her yet again.

Neill : "Oh we apologize dear EX-WIFE." They laugh again.

Ndabe : "Nxxx"  she walks off but Neill grabs her hand stopping her.

Neill : "Okay I'm sorry. I am.."  Ndabe cuts him off.

Ndabe : "I know who the hell are you Neill!"

Neill : "That's what you think. Now listen. I am Philani Gustavo Jayimane and this is my WIFE ,  Senzeni Jayimane."  Ndabe couldn't hide her shock.

Ndabe : "Wh...what? So you lied to me?" 

Neill : "I told you why I was with you right? Then you better tell your father and everyone else KwaDlamini to be ready!"  They walk off leaving Ndabe in shock and shaking with anger.

Arriving at her parents house , she parks her car and heads inside leaving her shopping bags in the car. She meets her mother by the staircase. She looks at her mother angrily who isn't even noticing her. Nolu walks past her but Ndabe calls after her.

Ndabe : "Are you happy mah!?"  She shouts. Nolu just walks to the lounge ignoring her. Ndabe follows her.

Ndabe : "Mama I WAS TALKING TO YOU!"  Nolu stands up so fast , she didn't see it coming, and slaps Ndabe so hard.

Nolu : "Thembelihle this is my house and I won't tolerate your shit in my house uyangizwa? I am still your mother so you better watch how you talk to me."  She says calmly pointing her finger at her.

Ndabe : "Then start acting like a mother!"  Nolu releases another slap right across Ndabe's face.

Nolu : "I said I'm not your friend! If you think you are old enough to speak to me anyhow and scream at me like I'm your child in my own house then please use the door and GET OUT!"  She shouts the last part already breathing heavily. Mnqobi enters the lounge and notices his mother gasping as though she can't breathe with tears streaming down her eyes. He quickly goes to get a glass of water. He tries helping her drink but Nolu can't since her breathing isn't steady on it's own. Nolu collapses and Mnqobi runs to get her mother's car keys since her car us much more comfortable , he drives her to hospital.

-----FEW HOURS LATER!!!------

"Noluthando Dlamini?"    -The doctor asks as he stands in front of Mnqobi.

Mnqobi : "Yes. She's my mom."

Doctor : "Okay. Your mother collapsed due to Hypotension pressure. Hypotension pressure is also to as low blood pressure. This is commonly caused by Emotional stress , fear , pain or Dehydration , which reduces blood volume."

Mnqobi : "Is it something deadly?"

Doctor : "Not at all young man. Your mother should stop over-stressing because it might then lead to a deadly illness. Okay? She is in WARD A21"  He pats his shoulder and walks off. Muzi comes running.

Muzi : "Mnqobi what the hell happened to my wife?"

Mnqobi : "Aibo baba. I found her struggling to breathe with Ndabe watching her , then she collapsed and I brought her in."  Muzi shakes his head , chuckling which meant he was fuming. They walk to Nolu's ward and Mnqobi rushes over to embrace her.

Nolu : "Don't cry baby."

Mnqobi : "You scared me." 

Muzi : "Baby you okay?"  Nolu frowns.

Nolu : "who are you?"

Muzi : "Aibo! You remember your son but not your husband?"

Nolu : "What is your point?"

Muzi : "You fooling me because if not then who did you make Mnqobi with?"  He asks with his one eyebrow raised while smirking.

Nolu : "Idris Elba."  Then they both burst out laughing.

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