Chapter 85

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***Samukelisiwe's POV.  {Khensani}

Last night we flew to Eastern Cape since mom's mother ordered mom to come home with her grandkids so we left well after a huge fight between mom & dad. We fetched Yanga along the way since he was at Makazi's house.We landed in the morning and mom requested an uber , we drove through the most beautiful places

Me : "What place is this? It's so beautiful."

Yanga : "This is Millpark and thina we going to Lovemore Heights." I nod looking around. Khayone was peacefully sleeping in mom's arms. The driver parked in front of a big , beautiful house. A thick , fair woman walks out. We all get out the car and the driver helps with offloading the bags.

Woman : "Ohhhhh baby! Come to your grandma , I've been waiting for you."  She says walking to me and crashes me in a tight hug then she starts sobbing amd praying.

Woman : "Oh Sthandwa sami , thank you for returning home. I am so happy to finally meet you and be able to hold you now after mourning you all these years." She says holding my face after breaking the hug.

Momma : "Mama , you didn't even introduce yourself."  Mom says giggly.

Woman : "shut up wena! *turns to me* Sthandwa sami , I am your mother's mother which means ndingu Makhulu wakho."

Me : "I'm happy to finally meet you in person nam ke."  She smiles and pecks my lips then wipe them.

Yanga : "Hello? I'm also here."  We laugh at him , Makhulu hugs and kisses him too.

Makhulu : "Awww who's this tiny person."

Me : "he's mine. Phawulothando Khayone."  She smiles widely taking him from mom and walks inside the house and we follow right behind her.

~~~~Later on!

Voice : "Save me please mntanam."  I look around but it's so dark and I can't see a single thing.

Voice : "Sisize mzukulu , siyacela!"

Voice : *screaming & crying*

Voice : "Shisa lendawo!"

Me : "Who's there? Hello?"

Voice : "You have to help us my child."

Me : "Where are you?"

Voice : "Help us!" She cries.

Me : "How do I help you if I don't see you?"

Voice : "Pray! Pray! Pray hard! Pray!"

Another voice : "Burn that hellhole!"

Voice 1 : "Free our souls."

Voices : "Pray!"  These voices seem to be fading. I wake up gasping for air.

Me : "Pray?" I whisper , then I decide to kneel down besides the bed and pray.

Me : "All in the name of our Lord Jesus , Amen."

Voice : "Amen." I turn and it's Makhulu , she's smiling with Khayone in her arms.

Me : "How long have you been standing there?"

Makhulu : "Long enough to know that you can pray."  I smile at her. I get up and sit on the bed , she joins me ; I take my baby from her.

Makhulu : "Aphiwe told me about her father."  I look at her confused.

Me : "Aphiwe?" She smiles. She's really beautiful marhn.

Makhulu : "Your mother. She told me about her looking for her father and I seriously don't know how to feel about that. I'm scared onmy baby's behalf and also the fact that her father may be your ex-blesser. I really hate that man."

Me : "I'm sorry."

Makhulu : "Don't be baby. I also want to tell you not to worry cause that definitely wasn't your blesser so don't worry yourself."  What?

Me : "You sound so sure thou mama."

Makhulu : "Maybe because I am. Aphiwe's father isn't Thulani but another prick nje."  Aibo!

Me : "Aibo! So you mean she would've been looking for a random man nje?"

Makhulu : "I don't want my daughter to go through rejection , that thing is painful and I'm talking from alot of experience. When I was still pregnant with her , her father started acting a certain way then when my family had to go report the pregnancy as per tradition he denied knowing me or even impregnating me. He then cut me off completely after telling me that I was trying to trap him and he wasn't gonna let me destroy his future with a bustard child and I gladly let him go even though it hurt so bad. One day , it was in the middle of the month and the situation wasn't so good apha ekhaya and my daughter was only a year old , she was sick kakhulu so I had no choice but to ask uPhiwe's father for a little cash to take my babygirl to the doctor but I regreted even asking for help from him cause he told me that I should let the child be and if she dies then it'll be lessening umthwalo. Mxm as if he contributed anything. I seriously despise that man and I really don't want to tell your mother , I don't want her to feel that kind of pain cause it ain't nice."

Momma : "I don't care about him anymore mama. It's okay , I understand."  She says walking in and hugs her mother.

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