Chapter 55

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All I can say right now is being a fashion designer student is not really easy well on my side it isn't. My mother constantly criticising my career course because according to her it's "useless & stupid" so imagine how hard it really is without any support from anyone. That's why I had decided to get a student loan and go study far from home.

Oh before I get carried away , I'm Azanothe Thandolukayise Bhengu. I'm a 19 year old girl , doing my second year in fashion design in University of Pretoria. I come from the humble abounds of Umsinga in the deepest lands of KZN.

I'm the only child of Menziwa Bhengu and Minenhle Ziqubu-Bhengu. I lost my dad at the age of 12 in a car accident. My mother is a very busy woman , too busy for me too so we've never really had that bond. In simple my mom despises me and I've made peace with that long time ago.

So here I am stuck at home in Umsinga since it's school break and I'll be returning after a month. I know I'll only see my mother maybe 5 times during my stay here cause that's just how she is. I love my mom like any child should but I also don't like her , I don't know if you get what I mean but it makes sense in my head.

They say 'speak of the devil and he shall appear' , my mom walks in looking tired with eyebags under her eyes , her back slouched and her eyes look like they are about to shut down in this moment. The time is 10am. I understand her job is demanding but come on how many parents literally get to see their kids once or twice in a month just because they are cardiologists? But hey ! Never judge someone's actions cause they know what they doing.

Mom : "Hi my child." She says already walking to her bedroom without waiting for my response so I don't bother greeting back. I am so bored and you'd think as a person who was born and raised here , I'll have friends but not me darl. I'm a loner as they come , no friends , no relatives that I'm close to , nothing. I decide to cook since I know my mom is asleep.

It's 7pm and I'm dishing up when mom walks to the lounge and sits there. I give her , her food and then join her sitting very far from her.

Mom : "thank you baby. Your food was great."

I force a smile and nod.

Me : "pleasure."

Mom : "baby are you okay?" I keep quiet and look around the lounge then back at her and she's looking at me confused.

Me : "Oh you talking to me?"

Mom : "Of course silly."

Me : "I'm sorry I'm just shocked that you actually care."

Mom : "baby that hurt."

Me : "yeah right" I roll my eyes and walk out leaving her. I close my bedroom door and just sit while watching our family album , I reminisce of the good old days when dad was still alive. I end up crying.


I'm finally back on Campus so that means I left home. True to what I had speculated , I only got to see my mother only three times during the holidays and it's not like we spent time together but yeah whatever.

"Hi ?" I look at the person and it is a God himself , an angel. Lord gimme strength! Your child is so hot!

Me : "Hi." I greet back with my suddenly squeaky voice. I clear my throat. He smiles showing a dimple on his right cheek.

Guy : "You very beautiful. I always see you alone , don't you have friends?"

Me : "I don't. I'm not really social."

Guy : "Oh well , I'm yours now." Mine? What?!

Me : "My friend?" I ask stupidly , he smirks and his dimple still come out to play.

Guy : "I'm Trevor wena?"

Me : "Thandolukayise Bhengu."

Guy : "Oh daddy's princess huh?"

Me : "Yeah , well when he was still alive and kicking."

Trevor : "Oh I'm sorry to hear that. I can share my fathers with you thou." He says smiling. He seems like a carefree person.

Me : "Don't you have a Zulu name cause you sure look black unless you American." He laughs. He has a beautiful laugh.

Trevor : "I'm that hot?"

Me : "Mxm , shut up!" He chukles.

Trevor : "I'm joking beautiful. I'm Lethukuthula Dlamini."

Me : "Nice to meet you Thuthu." He laughs. Hey , seems like he's showing off with his beautiful laughter and face.

Trevor : "So I'm Thuthu?"

Me : "That's what I'm calling you." He smiles.

Trevor : "Well it was lovely to meet you. Can I please have your numbers then?"

Me : "Sure thing." I give him my numbers. He walks me to my dorm room , we hug then I enter.

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