Chapter 49

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***Ndabezinhle's POV.

I seriously have been enjoying spending my time with Sebastian. He's been a great person , supportive and very honest but I still don't want to think highly of him as yet. We were in his hotel room cuddling , he was leaving tomorrow so we wanted to spend this time together.

Sebastian : "May I please ask a question , well if you don't mind , I mean you can even not answer.."  I giggle at his nervousness and peck his lips.

Me : "You can ask."

Sebastian : "so where is your ex husband? What happened to him?"

Me : "Well it turns out that we weren't even really married , he was just on a mission. He wanted something from me so he was using me."

Sebastian : "wow! That is so evil."

Me : "Well I was blinded by what I thought was love. I loved him , I won't lie. After 2 years in our marriage he started getting physical with me. It started with a slap then punches and kicks followed. My little brother tried talking me out of my 'marriage' but I never listened instead I ruined our relationship. He went on and told my mom , she also tried talking me out and I still refused. One day he beat me up and I landed in hospital , he beat me up because he had served me divorce papers and I questioned him about it. During my 'divorce' process , I moved back home."

Sebastian : "Wow , that's hectic."

Me : "Everyone tried to be there for me including my mother as always but I pushed everyone away. I even accused my mom of everything bad that's ever happened to me including my divorce. That caused a huge rift between me and my parents and siblings too..."  I continue telling him. I don't know why but I just felt comfortable enough to talk to him or maybe it's because he's someone I don't know , I don't know.

Sebastian : "But love , you cannot expect your mother to just forgive you. My sister once went through something bad and when she had a breakdown , she blamed mom and hated her.  She would tell mom that she hated her so what I'm saying is , I understand where your mother is coming from. She won't just come around because you've apologized , give her time and try showing her through your actions that you are sorry."

Me : "I hear you. Thank you for listening." He smiles and kisses me then breaks it.

Sebastian : *chuckles*  "You beautiful pretty lady."  He's been calling me pretty lady and I'm getting used to it. We spend the little hours left by sexing each other and conversing.

Sebastian : "so you driving me to airport?"

Me : "No."  We were getting dressed right after a shower and he was begging me to accompany him to the airport.

Sebastian : "How can you even do that to your friend?"  I giggle.

Me : "Excuse you brother! I was just a stranger , well a special one at that."  He cackles.

Sebastian : "Exactly and special strangers are friends in my diary."

Me : "Sebastian no , we agreed that it would end here."

Sebastian : "Well excuse me sister , rules are meant to be broken." 

Me : "Fine!"

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