Chapter 102

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***Ndabezinhle's POV.

-Im getting married! Yeah , I'm marrying my daughter's father , Seb has been a blessing to me honestly ; he's been really patient with me. Well in two days we getting married and I'm overly excited. My daughter is now six months and definitely doesn't look like my child , she's so hyperactive , too lightskinned too and totally isn't with me all the time cause she's everywhere her father is.

I will leaving for home today with my baby , we were still with Seb in our house and we were having lunch after I had finished cooking , I now understand why mama is always in the kitchen ; it is so nice to have someone to cook for and they enjoy your cooked meals all the time. Seb enjoys my food especially when I cook African dishes , he loves it and I'm always happy to serve him.

Seb : "Babe,  I hope there's more for me to eat later today."  He says looking me in the eye. I chuckle.

Me : "There is more than enough." He grins.

Seb : "Good cause I love it."  I had made pap and some chilli chicken liver with some salads.

Me : "You always love my food babe."  He smirks and I know he's about to be stupid.

Seb : "But I love my dessert even more." He winks and I blush.

Me : "I've been thinking of opening my own pharmaceutical company."

Seb : "Really? That's nice babe , just know I'm 100% behind you okay?"  I swear I might just take off my underwear for him right now!

Me : "Thank you baby."

Seb : "Can I sponsor?" I press my lips.

Me : "Nope but I'll let you know if I need it okay?"

Seb : "Okay pretty lady." We disturbed by Nicola's screams through the baby monitor.

Me : "Your daughter is so dramatic , Lord!" I say standing up to get leaving Seb laughing while licking his fingers. She smiles immediately when she sees me , I swear this is the first time she's ever smiled at me after she woke up. I pick her up and change her then we go join Seb.

Seb : "I'll make her food babe."  I nod. After a while he comes back and takes Nicola from me to feed her , the door bursts open and my father walks in fuming and I stand almost immediately.

Me : "Baba?"

Dad : "What the hell is your problem you boy?"  I take my baby from Seb.

Seb : "I'm sorry Mr D. I just wanted to help and make sure my woman wouldn't have to face problems anymore and that it wouldn't involve our kids too. I'm sorry I never told you and I knew you'd find out sooner or later."

Me : "What's going on ngempela?"

Dad : "You really are a good guy and I know my daughter will be safe with you. Thank you. I still don't like you though." 

Seb : "I know." He says chuckling.

Dad : "Gimme my granddaughter."  He takes this super hyper child and walks away with her.

Me : "Are you gonna tell me or what Sebastian?"

Dad : "You should probably tell her." He shouts. Seb takes my hand and leads me to our room , we sit on the bed with him holding my hands.

Seb : "I'm the one responsible for the death of those women and your ex-father in-law."  I look into his eyes searching for what? I don't know and I don't know how I even feel but pity and remorse is fat from what I'm feeling.

Me : "That's shocking."  He looks at me as if I said something crazy.

Seb : "Babe?"

Me : "listen , it's not that big of a deal but I'm just shocked and wondering what you actually capable scalable of."

Seb : "Don't doubt me love , if you must know I kill for what's mine and with you , I just gained even more family especially brothers I've never had. Plus I don't kill personally and I gotta have protection since many people see me as a threat in the corporate world so I always have to be cautious."  I hug him.

Me : "I love you."  I tell him and I really do , his explanation downstairs really touched me. He hugs me back even more tight. We have a quickie then freshen up and go join dad.

Dad : "Y'all are making me babysit while y'all make another one?" He says shaking his head.

Me : "Haibo baba!" 

Dad : "She's still very young for another sibling lomuntu." He says carelessly playing with a noisy Nicola.

Seb : "Then we'd take after you then."  I laugh and dad shoots him a murderous stare.

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