Chapter 90

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***Ndabezinhle's POV.

My babygirl is now two months and is growing beautifully every single day , she doesn't look like her father luckily for me but she does look like mama. I've been at my parents house since the day I was discharged and Seb only gets to see us when dad isn't home. Seb's mother promised to come this side but I don't know when. On other great news Sis'Zamo is responding well to the treatment in hospital so she is to wake up anytime from now and that surely gave us hope.

I walk to the lounge to look for mom and I find her cuddling her sons , these have grown so much really ; Simphiwe was now 12 and Sphelele was 11 but they still acted like babies to their parents.

Me : "Mama."  She lifts her head and looks at me then smile.

Mom : "Hey baby." I sit on the opposite couch.

Me : "Can I ask you for a favor?"

Mom : "Oh boy! Shoot."

Me : "Can I please pretty please spend the night with Seb today after Thando's checkup?"

Mom : "Yeah sure , just make sure you don't make another baby."  I giggle and kiss her cheek. Dad walks in and the boys run to him.

Dad : "Sanibonani."  He greets after putting the boys down and sits next to mom and kiss her.

Mom : "Hey babe."

Me : "hey dad." He instructs the boys to leave the room and they do.

Dad : "I just realised something , remember the man who came here and accused us of being responsible for his son? I think he was Ndabe's ex-father inlaw." I choke on my saliva with my eyes popped out."

Me : "what do you mean dad?"

Dad : "I mean that your ex-husband is probably dead."

Mom : "Yazi baby you are right."

BabuNkomo : "It doesn't end there. Mandisa and crew are dead , someone burnt down their sgodlo while they were busy and unfortunately they all died."  What?!

Mom : "wait what?!"

Dad : "How come though?" He asks looking confused. To be honest I don't care how or when they died , as long as they out of our lives futhi nje I thank whoever killed them.

Me : "Infact good riddance to rubbish." They all look at me.

Mom : "kahle wena!"

Dad : "so what now baba?" MkhuluNkomo shakes his head ligjtly after his zoned out nje.

BabuNkomo : "What y'all should know though is that the person who did this did it out of greatness of their hearts. Now I need everyone EMnambithi for cleansing and more strengthening."

Dad : "Okay."

Mom : "Does that mean , everything is over?"

BabuNkomo : "Well if they all dead then yes , for the both of you thou. The kids still have their own challenges to finish or go through."

Me : "Yoh! Even ne Mkhulu?"  He laughs.

BabuNkomo : "Asazi weNdabe." He walks out. I went to my room and got ready then I got my baby ready. Seb texted that he was already outside.

Mom : "Lemme help you with the bags then."  She said walking in but instead she picked up Thando and walked out.

Me : "Hawu mama!"

Mom : "Ey awuze!"  I follow her out with the bags , I find her already talking to Seb who now had the baby with him. Mom walks back inside. Seb loads the bags in the car then open my door before jogging to his side.

Seb : "Hey love."  He says turning to me and kisses me before starting the car.

Me : "Hey love." He drives off.

After the doctor's appointment he drove towards the estates in Glenvista , he stops infront of a big gate with cream white walls , he drove in after the gate opened and that's when the beautiful view of the most gorgeous house came to view. The house exterior was made of Limestones with aluminium glasses and windows on the corners.

Me : "Baby this house is beautiful. Who's is it?"  He smiled after parking in front of a big brown door with tall beautiful plants on the sides of the door. He got out of the car , I followed after him not waiting for him to open mine ; he unbuckled Thando and handed her over to me before he could take the bags and lock the car.

Me : "Baby I asked you a question."  He smiled and held my waist kissing my head.

Seb : "It's our home babe. Come let's go."  I was shocked but followed him nonetheless. He opened the door and we walked in , through a small passage before the lounge came into view. The lounge interior was a mixture of Light brown & grey ; the couches were leather cream brown. It was beautiful.

Me : "Baby this house is absolutely gorgeous. I'm in love seriously."  He kissed my forehead.

Seb : "Come , I want to show you something." He puts the bags on the couch and takes his baby from me then lead me to the outside through the sliding door in the lounge. We walk to a pool house


I jumped then looked around , it was his mother and sister. I went to hug his mother first since I kinda knew her.

His mom : "Hi my baby. I've beeeeeen waiting for this day and this idiot son of mine didn't want."

Me : "I also been waiting to meet you. It's such a great honor to finally see you here."  She hugs me again.

His mom : "Now where is my baby? Where is Nana's girl. I want my baby now , gimme my baby Davis."  She said walking to Seb and takes the baby from him. I turn to his sister.

Me : "Hii."  I smile , she smiles back and hugs me.

His sis : "Hi darling. I've been waiting to meet the girl that swept my brother off his feet. I'm Nora Davis by the way." 

Me : "And I am Nd-"

Nora : "His Zee , yeah we know you very well love. You are beautiful. Thank you so much for such a beautiful niece."  I smiled at her.

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