Chapter 29

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***Nokukhanya's POV

I never thought marrying into Royalty would be this shitty. I've been legally married to my husband for 8 years. We decided to stay traditionally married for 2 years then legalize our marriage the year after. We still don't have any kids and it's stressing me out because I often see how Sante wishes to have his own especially when he spends time with his nieces and nephews. I am tired of seeing the disappointment in his eyes everytime I take a home pregnancy test , whenever I do get pregnant , it never lasts for more than three months. Sante is very supportive even his family especially his parents , God bless those souls , his parents think we shouldn't try conceiving as if it's a job but we should let it happen on it's own time. They still believe we are still young.

I haven't seen my parents in a long time so I was on my way there. I parked my car on the driveway. As soon as I walk in , the small boys run to me and Lando follows right behind them. 

Simphiwe : "We missed you!"

Lando : "I missed you so much."  She says kissing my cheek.

Sphelele : "Awusang'funi wena."  He pouts. This one acts like a baby too much.

Me : "I missed you guys too. Go and get the food in the car please."  I give Lando my keys and the two rascals follow her. I go to the kitchen cause I know that's where I'll find my mother.

Mom : "Oh my God umntanam! Unjani mawunje Nokukhanya?" 

Me : "Mah!"

Mom : "Hhayi hhayi Khanyo , if that husband of yours can't take care of you then he must bring back my daughter. Look at you! You so skinny and dark! You even have pimples something you've never had before. Hhayi no I'm not okay with what I'm seeing."

Me : "Mah kodwa! Couldn't you be happy to see me first then shout?" She rolls her eyes and grabs me in for a hug.

Mom : "ay suka!"  It's like she knew I needed a hug because she hugged me even tighter and I just cry. She just holds me quietly. I finally calm down , she breaks the hug and wipes my face then pecks my lips.

Me : "You didn't kiss dad right?"

Mom : "Oh shut up!" We laugh.

Me : "I'm joking mama."  She smiles.

Mom : "wanna talk to me?"  I nod. Lando comes in with the doggy bags with the boys behind her. 

Simphiwe : "Mama , Lando took my sweet and ate it." 

Mom : "Landokuhle!"

Lando : "He's lying mama , it was sweet we found in sisi's car." 

Sphelele : "Unamanga mama!" I just laugh. Mom groans shaking her head. She dishes up and we sit down and eat while the kids go sit in front of the TV. Dad walks in with Lethu , Mnqobi and BabuNkomo. Both BabuNkomo and Lethu groan at the same time , then they look at each other.

Lethu : "Sorry about that."  Mnqobi and dad hug me.

Me : "Lethu kaMah?"  I say opening my arms. He smiles and shakes his head.

Lethu : "I can't but I really want to."

BabuNkomo : "Ntombazane , follow me!"  He says looking at me intensely. I look at mom and she nods at me. I follow after BabuNkomo outside to Lethu's rondavel. I take off my shoes before entering.

BabuNkomo : "They stole both your underwears and bazisebenzile. They then buried them somewhere around your yard so that they can tie your womb and make you seem infertile. They wanted you to lose your husband and be miserable in your marriage. They don't want to see you happy and prospering." 

Me : "is it someone I know?"  He nods.

BabuNkomo : "Yes child. It's someone close to you. I always tell your mother to keep her friends outside her house so I'm surprised she never warned y'all about the same thing."

Me : "she did , I just never paid attention."  He nods.

BabuNkomo : "Call your husband here now!"  I go outside and call him. He arrives after 20 minutes , I go fetch him from the front gate.

Sante : "Babe. I have to go greet."  He says as I drag him to the other side of the yard.

Me : "Don't worry about that. This is urgent."  He nods. We take off our shoes and enter the hut again.

BabuNkomo : "Ndodana! What is your job as a husband?" 

Sante : *clears throat* "it is to protect , provide and love my wife."

BabuNkomo : "Yes so why haven't you been doing your job?"

Sante : "I don't think I understand baba."

BabuNkomo : "You telling me , you don't notice the change in your wife since you made her yours? You don't see that she's thinner? Dark? Huh?"  He keeps quiet. BabuNkomo proceeds to tell him what he had told me.

Sante : "What?"

BabuNkomo : "So I want you to abstain from sex for a whole month until I'm done with your healing. Now , I want you to not be around your house when I come to do the cleansing of the house but before all that , here , drink two cups a day ntombazane."  He says giving me a 2L bottle of isiwasho. He gives my husband something that looks like Vaseline , some powder and a 2L bottle of clear water.

BabuNkomo : "Ndodana , this Vaseline is for you to lotion your wife's face , you must do it not her. This powder is something you must pour a little bit in front of the door and in front of your main gate today."

Sante : "Yebo baba."

BabuNkomo : "Today around 8pm , I want the both of you to go to your backyard by that mango tree. I want you to first pray for the water together , pray by that tree then sprinkle the water around then dig up. Ndalwenhle , you will know where to dig. Whatever you find in the hole that you would've dug , Macingwane , put it in a plastic then burn it to ashes then try being away from your house for a month."  We both nod.

Us : "Yebo baba."

BabuNkomo : "Remember , y'all won't be able to break this curse if you are scared. Get rid of that fear zingane zami."

Us : "yebo baba."

BabuNkomo : "Akubongwa. Go now and don't look back." 

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