Chapter 70

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***Azanothe's POV.

I had just come out of my class and I found my man waiting for me by the door.

Thuthu : "Baby. Let's go."

Me : "How long have you been waiting for me?"

Thuthu : "Not for long."  We were talking while walking to the parking. I was about to get in the car when someone shouted for me.

"Azanothe! Zah!"  Only my mom used to call me Zah. I turn and what is she doing here?

Thuthu : "Who's that?"

Me : "That's my mother!"  I say already running to her direction.

Mom : "Oh ingane yami!"  She engulfs me in a big hug and that's enough to send me into shock. I break the 'hug' and stare at her in total shock.

Me : "Mah ufunani lana?"  (What do you want here?)

Mom : "Hawu! How can you even ask me that Thandolukayise?"

Me : "im...."

Mom : "I know , I know but can we please not do this here? Let's go."  I roll my eyes when she takes my hand into hers as we walk to the car she came with. I send Thuthu a message apologising and explaining and he seems to understand and pleads me to hear her out , well I don't know about that. We get in the car and she drives off , the drive is so silent and it's getting uncomfortable for me.

Me : "Can I play some music?" She nods after giving me a small smile. I play some RnB , all these songs make me miss my father.

Mom : "This song reminds me so much of your father." She says giving me a glance as I didn't know what to say so I just kept quiet looking out the window. So now that it suits her she wants to talk about my dad after what? 7 years? Mxm. She drives in some complex and parks the car.

Mom : "Asambe."  I get out and follow her. We get to her place and I sit in the lounge as she disappeared in the hallway. She came back wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt , it's actually my first time seeing her in pants. She smiles and joins me on the couch.

Mom : "our food will be here just now."

Me : "Okay." 

Mom : "How are you?"

Me : "I'm okay thank you."

Mom : "How are your studies?"

Me : "Mah! I know you didn't drive or fly here to ask me ngezifundo when you've never cared about them anyway so please. What are you doing here or what am I doing here?"  She takes a deep breath.

Mom : "I wanted to talk to you....about everything."

Me : "Mmh"

Mom : "I'd firstly like to sincerely apologize for being such a bad and disappointing mother. I know I did you wrong , I know I can never undo or change things of the past but I was hoping that you could give me a chance to be the mother I had to be , a hands-on mother , a good mother. I seriously understand your dislike and hate for me , and I take full responsibility of being a bad mother. I'm so ashamed of myself , I can never blame you mntanam. I have realised how much my negligence hurt you and I'm deeply sorry my baby. I know how difficult raising yourself has been for you , I feel terrible and I sincerely apologize. I regret  never being there for you when you needed me the most especially after your father's passing , I'm sorry Lukayise. I know that you might not be ready to forgive me, and I understand how that feels I simply wanted to say how sorry I am. I promise that it won't happen again. I promise to be there for you always."  Her words sound so sincere.

Me : "I'm not ready to forgive you."

Mom : "I totally understand. I have something more to tell you and I'm sorry."  I sigh heavily. There's a knock on the door which she goes to attend to after wiping her tears. I just get lost in my thoughts as many thoughts run through my mind.

Mom : "it was our food. Here."  I politely decline the plate of Pizza. I used to love pizza until that fateful day.

Me : "Thank you mah."

Mom : "I thought you loved pizza."  She says with a small frown looking cute , I'm still mad at her though.

Me : "I hate it now."  She nods looking confused. I eat the sticky wings only.

Mom : "Don't you want bread with that?" I shake my head chewing on the little bones.

Me : "You were about to tell me something."  She clears her throat and nods.

Mom : "You have *clears throat*  two other siblings."

Me : "huh?"

Mom : "I said I have other two children -a girl & boy. The girl lives around here with her father and she is 16 and the boy is 1 year old and he's back in Umsinga. I got him early last year. Some of the days you wouldn't see me , I was actually with him kababakhe. The girl never really visits often , we are not really that close."

Me : "it's not like you close with me but maybe your baby!"

Mom : "I'm sorry."

Me : "wait wait , so you mean to say you cheated on my father?"

Mom : "It was a one-time stupid mistake and your father found out about it and he let me keep the pregnancy. The guy who impregnated me took his child to live with her , he was also engaged with two kids."

Me : "Wow! You really something else."  That means I'm 3 years older than the girl? Wow!

Mom : "I'm sorry baby. I want you to meet each other but whenever you are ready to do so."

Me : "do they know about me?"

Mom : "Yes."  This woman is so unbelievable.

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