Chapter 66

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Muzi's friend , Sifiso Mnguni had helped Muzi out with finding these women , he only was able to help find and bring Mandisa. Bab'Dlamini , Bab'Luthuli & their friend Mthembu were already in some abandoned house that they were to use. Mnguni's men brought in a roughed up and passed out Mandisa and tied her up in an electric chair but didn't switch it on.

Dlamini : "Wake her up!"  The men then poured her ice cold water , she woke up gasping hurting her body in the process as it felt heavy and was painful.

Mandisa : "H....ho..w did yo..u find"  She asked stuttering and shivering.

Dlamini : "Yini? You thought we wouldn't find you?"  She looks around.

Mandisa : "Baba. Please help me. Ngiyakucela bandla."

Luthuli : "Ey fokofu!"  He snapped. Muzi and Bonginkosi walked in. Bonginkosi just rushes over to her and slaps her so hard , her nose bled immediately. They hold him back.

Mandisa : "What do you want from me because as far as I know , I only did whatever I did to teach Lungi a lesson."

Bonginkosi : "Lesson? For what?"  He asks with annoyance.

Mandisa : "Since Varsity , Lungi had always thought high of herself. She was everything I ever wanted to be growing up , she was the kid my parents wanted me to be. I tried being a good friend to her but again that's just who I wasn't and still not. I even introduced her to my parents and they loved her , they loved her more than me , that also added onto my hate for her. Lungi was every guy's crush , she was the 'it' girl even though she didn't act like it. She then started going out with my crush , I hated her. She would even come top in everything and I hated her more. When she told me about her boyfriend who wanted to marry her even though she wasn't pure anymore I hated her because I was still pure at the age of 21 but no one liked me. I then gave up my virginity to her ex-boyfriend and the guy disappeared , leaving me pregnant. I was disowned at home and I lost my baby due to stress. Lungi still was kind to me , she let me stay in her parents house since they weren't home often , one day her father came into the room I was using and raped me , he continued doing it all the time until I fell pregnant again then they chased me out , my hate for her kept on adding."

Bonginkosi : "Ey ey ey wena! We don't care about your stupid upbringing. We want to know where the hell is my daughter?!"  He roared.

Mandisa : "Okay I'm sorry. When I tried killing Lungi , I had already had the little girl with me. She knew me as her aunt so it was really easy to get her. I then got some muthi to make Bonginkosi forget somethings and see his wife whenever he looked at me. After I tried killing Lungi , I had actually instructed those men to take the newborn baby to Lungi's parents house. I then made a fake birth certificate for the little girl and shipped her off to an orphanage in Durban."  Bonginkosi lands another thunderous slap on her cheek.

Bonginkosi : "What the fuck did you do?!?!"  He asks angrily speaking through his gritted teeth.

Mandisa : "She grew up in that orphanage and I was monitoring everything , I made sure I destroyed everything that might look , connect her to y'all."

Muzi : "WHERE THE FUCK US SHE NOW M?????"  he shouted.

Mandisa : "eHlomohlomo. She's one of the cleaners in the Zwide Kingdom."   

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