Continuation of Chapter 84

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Uminathi was hiding in garden court. He was scared of Langa and it was no secret , now he was scared for his mommy. He remembered the prayer he always says with his grandmama and his brothers so he started saying it. He was busy falling asleep while he folded himself in the corner.  

Muzi and Nolu wanted to surprise their daughter with dinner so they were here. They drove in and parked the car. Umi sees light flashing so he runs to the front thinking maybe he had to come out now.

Nolu : "Nathi!"  Umi runs faster to me s grandmama and throws his little arms around her legs and weeps. Nolu picks him up

Nolu : "Why are you outside crying? Did your mother spank you?"  He shakes his head.

Umi : "Umama said I must hide outside because Langa is inside with a gun."

Muzi : "Shit! Baby stay here please." He runs inside the house. Unfortunately Langa had long heard the car driving in so he held Nomzamo at gunpoint waiting for anything. Muzi barges in ,

Muzi : "Son , put the gun down and I won't report you."

Langa : "I don't want anyone having her besides me! I can't , no!"  He cries.


Outside Nolu is waiting anxiously , she had managed to get Umi to sleep and lay him in the backseat. She can hear the shouting going on and it's only making her more anxious and scared so she calls her fathers.


Muzi : "Langa stop this! Don't do this! You don't wanna go to jail."

Langa : "I don't have anything to live for anymore anyway so if you send me to jail I won't care , I've already lost my family nje."

Zamo : "Baby , Let me go and I promise you that we'll both get the help we need then work on our marriage. Please."

Langa : "But I killed our son! My other son is scared of me now! So tell me how are we gonna fix this?!"

Zamo : "Langalami , do you remember the night we spent together in Durban after you proposed? Remember what you said to me?"

Langa : "Mhm"

Zamo : "You said you'll always make sure that me and our children are happy and loved so please throw the gun and I promise that we'll work on our marriage together , we'll even go to therapy together with our son." He loosen his  grip on Zamo amd she turns to him.

Langa : "Please don't leave me. Please don't let my mother win with her evil ways , please."  He cries. She kisses him then break it off after shortly.

Zamo : "Don't hurt me!" He nods. Muzi clears his throat and they turn to face him , Langa can't even look him in the eyes , Zamo nods at Muzi.

Muzi : "Come and hug me babygirl , I was scared." Zamo walks to him.

Langa : "I'm sorry." He fires two shot at Zamo and then shoots himself.

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