Continuation of Chapter 71

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***Khensani's POV.

So I called Mnqo over and told him that my father wants to speak to him. I was busy watching my mom cook , she was making fried rice , some salads and grilled chicken. I made dessert and it was very simple may I add , I was lazy. 

Mom : "When is your babydaddy getting here?"

Me : "I'm sure he's close now. I want to talk to you mama , it's about your 'father' but I'm not sure yet"  I had spoken with Mnqo about the possibility of my ex-blesser being my biological grandfather and he thought I should tell my mom about this so here I am.

Mom : "Go on?"

Me : "Remember when I told you that I had to fend for myself after running away from the orphanage and I ended up having a blesser?"

Mom : "Yes I remember baby."

Me : "that blesser's name was also Thulani and he was around his 50's but I never knew his surname and if he is your father then there might be a chance that he is no longer alive. I'm sorry , I know I should've told you earlier but I was scared."

Mom : "Yoh! Then he really must be a sick perverted prick mos."  She says pulling a disgusted face.

Mnqo : "Sanibonani."  He greets walking in to the kitchen with my father behind him.

Dad : "Relax Ntombazane ka baba , I didn't hit him....yet!" 

Mom : "Aibo Sizwe!"  He laughs

Dad : "I'm joking I just had a man to man talk with him."  Mnqo comes to me and hands me two pies and I hug.

Me : "Thank you so much babydaddy." He kisses my forehead chuckling.

Mnqo : "I knew you'd love them."  My cravings have been hectic , I love love anything with pastry.

Dad : "Excuse us."

Mnqo : "We are sorry." He says scratching his head.  We settle in the dinner table , I help mom with placing the food and juice. Mom dishes up for dad and I for Mnqo.

Mnqo : "Your food is delicious mah."

Mom : "Thank you ndoda."


***Landokuhle's Pov.

I was with my other half , uStha and today she couldn't hide the fact that she was sad , well to me so I optioned that we chill by the netball court where not many learners go so we could talk properly.

Me : "Talk to me sis."

Stha : "I am so tired of feeling like an outsider in 'my father's' house."  She said air quoting the two words.

Me : "What do you mean?"

Stha : "My parents don't love me , I swear. When I said I visit my mom every June holidays I was lying , that woman only gets to see me once or twice a year and she's okay with that. I mean I understand she is married and has her own family.."

Me : "Nop nothing's right lapho. She birthed you so it's her responsibility to take care of you..."

Stha : "You don't understand chomma , like I live with my father neh? But it's not nice , that man is controlled by his stupid wife and he just ignores all the things his wife does to me. His wife and kids never go about their day without reminding me that I'm an illegitimate child that was supposed to be flushed down the toilet and trust me that hurts , whenever I try standing up for myself I get a hiding. They never allowed me to stay with ny gran because my father's wife never wanted that , she says I must feel the anger and pain she wishes to inflict on my mother. Imagine! I'm suffering all for a woman who doesn't give a rat ass about me! I hate them."  She cries so painfully and I hug her trying to stop mine.

Me : "I think my parents can help you , I don't know how but I trust mom."  She looks at me as she wipes her face with her school jersey.

Stha : "Yesterday 'my mother' called. She said she's in town so today she's fetching me , I'll be staying with her for as long as she's here." 

Me : "You don't want to go with her?"

Stha : "if I gad another choice then I wouldn't but then again being with her will make me get some rest , I'll get a break from the abuse in that house." She says shrugging and lays her head on my lap.

Me : "I love you."

Stha : "why wouldn't you though?"  I laugh at her.


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