Chapter 45

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Nolu's parents left claiming to not getting involved in the matter cause they believed someone was trying their luck on them. Muzi's parents then decided to take over and they were able to get hold of Thinasonke , who agreed to avail herself in the afternoon. When Thinasonke arrived , Nolu's parents were long gone and she was led by Nolu to the study where the elders were.

Thina : "Aren't you gonna be there?"  She asks Nolu as she was about to turn back and walk away.

Nolu : "Nope." She nods and enters the room. She greets.

Bab'Dlamini : "I'm sure you know all of us here?"

Thina : "I suppose."

Bab'Dlamini : "Okay so can you please tell us why have you been looking for my daughter and her mother?" 

Thina : "Uhm my name is Thinasonke Ndabeni. Mrs Luthuli is my aunt , my mother's younger sister........."  she continues telling them everything she had told Nolu.

Bab'Dlamini : "Do you have a picture of this girl?" Thina takes out the picture and the girl is Bab'Luthuli's copy.

Thina : "this is her."  She shows them another picture.

Muzi : "She is Bab'Luthuli straight this one."

Bab'Dlamini : "so how can I get her here?"

Thina : "She came to Joburg with me but we scared they might find her. "

Bab'Dlamini : "I don't mean to be rude to you sis kodwa we'd like to take her with to the hospital for testing."

Thina : "You mean like DNA testing?"

Bav'Dlamini : "Yes." Thina agrees and then they go have and she leaves after that.


***Thandeka's Pov.  [Mnqobi's Ex]

If I could turn back the hands of time then I would but it's really no use crying over spilt milk. I wish I never even lied to Mnqobi nor blackmailed him. I would've never even killed his girlfriend in varsity. I think I underestimated Mnqobi's family just because they were nice people. Here I am now stuck in a looney bin jail , what's worse is that the doctors and nurses here believe that I'm not okay in the head especially since I'm always snapping at everyone and I never talk to any therapist. I once had a physical fight with one of crazies in here , well she provoked me asking what I use for my skin and when I told I don't use anything she said I was lying and being selfish for not sharing my secret then she started hitting me and I retaliated. That woman is crazy for real , she'd sometimes fight with the walls here , screaming at them and if you dare interfere then it's you and her.

Guard : "Thandeka Msimango , come you have a visitor!"  I know who it is already. Mnqobi's father and uncle are the only people who visit me here though it's been a while since Mnqobi's father came so it's been his uncle that comes here.

Bonginkosi : "Ya."

Me : "Hi."

Bonginkosi : "I'm just here to deliver some news. There is a man who is a friend's friend and he needs a sex slave in Ethopia so I thought why not you?!"  He laughs after that. This man may act like he's joking but I take his and Mnqobi's father's jokes serious. I'm really scared of them.

Me : *crying* "Please don't do that. I have a daughter back home and she still needs me."

Bonginkosi : "Did you think of that when you decided to come after my son?"

Me : "No. I was clouded by jealousy. I'm sorry , I promise I will go back home in KZN  and I won't ever  come after Mnqobi again."  I say with my hands pressed together begging him.

Bonginkosi : "We also have a home in KZN so what happens when we bump into each other cause I can't promise you to not blow your brains."

Me : "I won't come after Mnqobi again , I promise."

Bonginkosi : "Vele you won't , you are off to Ethiopia tonight."  I just wail and he laughs his lungs out.

Me : "I'm so sorry."

Bonginkosi : "If you sorry then tell us the real reason you were after my son."  I have no choice but to tell the truth because even the person who had wanted me to do this never bothered herself with me after I went AWOL , she didn't even make sure that I was okay which proves that she doesn't care about me. 

Me : "Okay ,  I will talk. Nokuthula Mandisa Hlophe. That's the person that's been sending me to do these things. She approached me in Varsity. When I told Mnqobi that I was pregnant , it was true but it wasn't Mnqobi's child. I found out when I was already 5months but I wasn't showing , just gaining weight only so no one noticed. I was starting to show a little during my 7th month so I went AWOL on Mnqo for two months. I had went home in KZN , I gave birth to my daughter and I was to leave her with my mother. To be honest I don't really remember what happened during those days cause Nokuthula had taken my baby and I to her house and she would always give me some pills saying it would help with the stitches to heal fast but they'd make me sleep alot. So on the day I went back to Varsity , she told me how I used umuthi to kill Mnqobi's then girlfriend. She brainwashed me. I'd always enjoy seeing Mnqobi in misery and it was a total bonus for me when Mnqobi called me to help him with removing a footage."

Bonginkosi : "Wait wait wait! So you never killed Mnqobi's girlfriend?"

Me : "No."

Bonginkosi : "We will continue tomorrow."  He leaves and the guard escorts me to my cell room.

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