Chapter 89

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***Nokukhanya's POV

Honestly three kids are so exhausting , if they aren't all crying at the sametime or demanding attention then it's the coo coo noises but what can I do , we asked for it. My mother in law has been really helpful shame , she'd sometimes offer to babysit while my husband spoils and pampers me ; she even let's us leave them with her on certain nights just so I can 'collect' myself like she says but instead I end up worrying about my babies and call her every hour unless she switches her phone off. I might as well move to KZN because we are always there on weekends and it's tiring shame , plus I've already started joining my mother in law in her Queen duties and she's been teaching me how things are done because Mr Mchunu now wants to step down since we've got kids now , we tried asking for more time but nope , he is so determined with stepoing down. Honestly though I love my duties especially those that involve charity work because it's something we grew up doing with mom. On other news Andisiwe confessed to her shenanigans , I'm talking from A-Z , she even confessed to some of the things that once happened in the family that they never thought she could do , well the King ; her father? Yes her father Mr Mchunu , my father inlaw banned her from Umsinga but we later heard that she ran to her grandparents cause apparently her house was on fire then she disappeared. Too much drama , I tell you!

We were currently in Umsinga and we were taking a walk with my husband around this place , the kids were with their grandparents as per usual. Sante was leading the way , he led us to a mountain that had a nice view , a view of a valley and a river flowing but it needed a little brightness to be honest cause wow but it was beautiful and the air was refreshing.

Sante : "We still have a lot to do around here babe."

Me : "I totally agree and I already have some ideas in mind." He held me close and kept on planting soft wet kisses on my neck and shoulder.

Sante : "You see that land there?"  He asks pointing at a big piece of land , I nod.

Me : "Yeah?"

Sante : "That's for you. Your start , it's up to you what you do with it. You will tell me what you need and I'll gladly provide."  I already know what to do with this land. I turn around and give him a big juicy kiss.

Me : "Thank you so much sthandwa sami."

Sante : "Anything for you my love , now don't you want meat?"

Me : "I do."

Sante : "Then let's go."  We turn back and walk , this journey seems long man.

Sante : "You tired?"

Me : "Yes , we beeen walking , hhayi angisafuni."  He laughs and bends in front of me.

Sante : "Hop on my back."  I do that and he continues to walk with people greeting us here and there. We get to this buzzing house and he puts me down when we are in front of the gate.

Sante : "Asambe."  He says grabbing my hand but I stop which makes him stop too.

Me : "Where are we going? I'm not going inside there looking like this mina Nkosana." 

Sante : "Baby come on , this is my friend's house so it's like my other home."  He says wiggling his eyebrows which I don't find sexy at all.

Me : "What's the occasion anyway?"

Sante : "It's Umembeso."  I nod.

Me : "That's nice."  We walk inside and the singing stops but Sante asks them to continue. We are offered sits in the tent after my husband paraded this place with me , I'm actually surprised that after so many years together there's still some of his friends that I don't know. Anyway the day proves to be joyous and vibey as I ended up helping out in the kitchen with the women.


What is Umembeso?

Umembeso is a Zulu traditional ceremony that forms part of the lobola negotiations where the groom gives gifts to bride's parents and family before the wedding.


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