Paparazzi (Robb Stark x fem!reader) Modern AU

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You never expected Robb Stark to show back up in your life. Not since he became a famous actor. The two of you had been friends before he left and you stayed in touch for a little while, but Robb got busy and so did you. You ran a little bakery and had a steady flow of customers. Soon, you and Robb pretty much lost contact. You figured he'd probably find himself some famous friends, maybe even a beautiful actress as a girlfriend. You never expected him to coming running into your coffee shop that evening.

You blinked in surprise as the bell above the door jingled. You rarely had customers this time of day. People were usually working. Still, you went to the front of the store. "Y/N?! Oh thank gods. You gotta help me." You arched a brow and bit back a laugh. Same old Robb. It was the same phrase he used whenever he got in trouble when you were kids.

"Please, Y/N!" You hadn't realized you'd zoned out. "What?" Robb groaned. "You gotta hide me. They won't leave me be!" It was then that you saw the mob of people outside the shop. They obviously hadn't seen Robb yet. "Paparazzi, huh?" He nodded. You saw the heads of one of the photographers beginning to turn in your direction so you did the first thing you could think of. You pushed Robb behind the counter and toward the back entrance.

"Thank you, Y/N!" he whispered. You simply smiled. It really was just like the old days. Robb moved to leave, but suddenly turned around. "Hey, let me buy you a coffee. As a thank you." You shook your head. "I can't. I have a huge order to be delivered tomorrow morning. I have to finish it tonight." Robb frowned but nodded. "Alright. I can try and see you again before I leave." You grinned. "I'd like that. Bye, Robb."

Robb left and you went back to work. Before you knew it, the bakery was closed and you were able to finish your order. It took longer than you expected but you did finish it. Glancing up at the clock, you realized it was after ten. You yawned and pulled your jacket on, making your way to the back door. When you turned around to lock the door, you felt a hand your shoulder. You jumped and turned around to see a sheepish looking Robb.

"Robb? What are you doing here?" He held up a bottle of wine. "I figured it was too late for coffee, but I thought I could treat you to some wine after a long day. As a thank you for earlier today." You smiled at his unusually nervous, yet still charming behavior. "That sounds great. Come on." You gestured for him to follow you. "Where are we going?"

"Well, there's a park within walking distance or my apartment. The choice is yours." Robb smiled. You knew exactly which one he'd pick. Robb had always preferred being outside. "The park sounds great." You nodded and lead him to the park. You loved that it was so late since the park was pretty much empty and you could snag your favorite spot.

You sat on the ground with Robb and he opened the wine. For a few minutes, neither one of you spoke. You weren't entirely sure what to say, but the silence was welcome. It made things seem like they'd never changed. "I missed this," Robb finally said, "It reminds me of college." You chuckled at the memory. "I know."

More silence as the two of you passed the bottle of wine back and forth. "Why are you here, Robb? Last I heard, you were off filming another movie." Robb frowned. "I was. We wrapped filming about a week ago. Things with my co-star were a little strained on set so when we finished, I decided to take a little holiday." You arched a brow. "Everything okay?" Robb nodded. "Yeah, of course. I just wasn't interested in her off set, so it made things tense. I needed to get away for a bit. To relax. I never expected to run into you again."

You laughed lightly. "Sorry about the paparazzi outside your shop, by the way." You shrugged. "It's no big deal. The paparazzi don't bother me." Robb wrapped an arm around your shoulders like he used to and you melted into him. You hadn't realized how much you'd missed him until that moment. He kissed your temple and you sighed happily. If only you had known how big a deal the paparazzi would turn out to be.

*time skip to the next morning*

"Y/N, turn on your TV," your friend demanded as she stormed into your apartment. "Please come in," you greeted sarcastically. She gave you a deadpan stare and grabbed the remote, changing the channel. It was one of those celebrity reports. "Why are we watching this? You know I hate-" you cut off when you saw it. A snapshot taken of you and Robb sitting the park. His arm was around you and his lips were on your temple.

"Is Hollywood's most eligible heartthrob no long eligible?" the reporter was saying and you dropped your muffin and told your friend to turn up the volume. "It appears as though Robb Stark, co-star and rumored lover of Talisa Maegyr, has found himself a new girl. As of right now, the identity of this woman is unknown. However, sources say they saw Robb getting awfully cozy with her at the park before following her to an unknown location, possibly his hotel or her residence. What will this do for ticket sales for his new movie? What about his relationship with Maegyr?"

You simply stood there, dumbfounded. How had you missed the photographers that night? And how had they gotten the story to the tabloids so fast? Besides the fact that Robb hadn't followed you home. Not really. He walked you home and then left to go to his hotel.

"How could you not tell me you were dating Robb Stark?!" you friend cried, making you cover your ears. "Will you please be quiet? I am not dating Robb. He's an old friend who just happened to show up at the bakery yesterday." You groaned as you realized you needed to get moving. "Speaking of, I have to go."

You gaped in disbelief at the crowd outside your bakery that morning. All of them paparazzi. No way any customers were getting in, even if they wanted to. "Y/N?" You whipped around to see Robb looking at you, his eyes full of remorse. "You know that entrance is for employees only," you teased. He nodded. "I know. I just wanted to see you again before leaving you alone for good. I am so sorry for this. I thought I had shaken off the paparazzi. I never expected this to happen."

You frowned. "It's okay, Robb. I know it's not your fault. I just don't want them to think there's more to this than there is. It could ruin your career." Robb's face contorted in anger. "Damn my career then. If my fans have a problem with who I love, then they aren't really my fans." You stared at him in shock. Had he just said he loved you?

"You love me?" you squeaked out, taking Robb by surprise. "Of course I do. I always have. I just didn't realize it until we reconnected last night. I never wanted this for you though. So, I'm going to go. I won't bother you again." He kissed your cheek and turned to leave. You grabbed his hand to stop him. "Don't, Robb. Don't leave me again. I can handle this. As long as I've got you by my side."

Robb gently squeezed your hand and beamed. "Are you sure?" You nodded. "Then,shall I go talk to them?" he asked, nodding his head toward the front oft he shop. You leaned in and kissed him on the lips. "We'll do it together." Robb took a deep breath and lead you toward the front of your bakery, hand in hand, ready to face whatever journeys were ahead.    

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