Saving Robb (Robb Stark x fem!reader)

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You crossed the camp with your head held high. Tonight was the night. The night you were going to tell Robb, King in the North, that you were hopelessly in love with him. Part of you understood that telling a man in the middle of war was probably not the best time, but at the same time, you didn't want to risk Robb or you dying before you got a chance to tell him.

"Your Grace?" you called out before gently opening the tent flap. "Sorry to interrupt-" you cut off when you saw a strange man in Robb's tent. He was definitely not one of Robb's bannermen. He held a dagger tight in his grip and he was frozen on the spot, his eyes boring into yours. You quickly accessed the situation. An assassin.

Thinking quickly, you grabbed the nearest weapon, a large dagger you kept strapped to your calf under your dress. You lunged first, catching the assassin by surprise. He pushed you down and hovered over you, but you swept his feet out from under him, causing him to fall down next to you. You scurried to get to your feet, but he was faster. In an instant, you fell face first in the dirt.

Other women would have given up, but you knew better. You let him win, his next target would be Robb and you couldn't have that. You refused. That's when you realized that the idiot hadn't trapped your legs. Kicking up, you landed a blow right to his rump, causing him to lose his balance. You scrambled up and, before you could second guess yourself, you stabbed him. He was dead.

As soon as the reality hit you, your hands began to shake and tears clouded your vision. You hadn't killed many men and never outside of battle. A loud sob escaped your lips just as Robb entered the tent. He stopped dead when he saw the scene in front of him. A dead man on the ground and you, covered in blood, shaking and crying.

"My lady!" he cried softly, running over to you. "Y/N! Are you alright?" You shook your head as the tears kept coming. "Shh. It's alright, Y/N. Calm down," he cooed, taking you in his arms and running his hand up and down your back. When you calmed down, Robb gave you a smile before having one of his men come and collect the body.

When the offending sight was gone, you were able to breathe properly again. "What happened?" Robb asked when he saw you were no longer shaking or crying. In a shaky voice, you told Robb why he had come into his tent to find a dead man. The longer you spoke, the closer you came to tears again.

"Oh, Y/N. You mustn't go on this way. You were merely defending yourself. You did what you had to do." You shook your head vehemently. "I did it to protect you. To save you. If I hadn't come in, he would have tried to kill you. I-I couldn't bear that." Robb hugged you close. "You showed such courage, Y/N. And you did save me. I cannot thank you enough for that."

"You don't need to thank me, Your Grace. I cannot lose you." Robb rolled his eyes. "Y/N, we are alone. You do not need to call me that." Then, as if just realizing what you said, his Tully blue eyes met yours. "You cannot lose me?" You shook your head and looked down at the ground. "No, Robb, I can't. I love you too much." You were crying again, but softly this time.

Robb lifted your chin up so he could see your eyes once more. "Y/N, you should have said," he whispered, using his thumb to wipe away your tears. Your eyes were puffy and your entire face was red from crying so much. Then, Robb handed you his own handkerchief to wipe your nose. When you finished, you looked up at him again.

"You will never lose me, Y/N. I love you too," Robb told you softly before kissing you gently, as though he were afraid you would break. It took your brain a second to understand the fact that Robb was kissing you. He was returning your affection. Once the fact sunk it, you wrapped your arm around him and kissed back. That night, you got lost in his kisses, temporarily pushing the trauma of the night from your mind as you held Robb close to you. You knew you had done the right thing, saving him, even if it was for selfish reasons.    

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